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Which Fx Blocks Are True Stereo?


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From the manual - "It is important to note that some Models (all EQs, Wahs & Volume, and some Modulations, Filters, Pitches and Delays, as well as the FX Loop) preserve a stereo output within the signal chain, while others (all Dynamics, Distortions, all Amps & Preamps, and other various Models) are mono FX and do not."


I am sure it has already been answered but I couldn't find it :(.  Anyways. i have been through the manual and the M-13 Parameters and Advance manual and can't find a simple list that states which blocks exactly are true stereo.


Secondly, I use a noise gate first in my dual amp patches as does Meambobo and most others... does this make any difference? Or is the signal just split into true left and right when I add the second amp path provided I pan hard left and right don't put any mono FX blocks after the mixer?


Third, I guess that if I only want an effect to be heard on one channel (L or R) I need to place a mono fx block in the amp path after the split and before the mixer.  If I use a stereo fx there will be some bleed through no matter how I pan on the mixer, right?

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Well, the thing is... I posted it... but that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with everything in it  :D 
I did this same test a while ago, but I didn't want to rely on my memory so I just went and did it again, to verify that:
The FX Loop does preserve the stereo.

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