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Variax 300 In Dream Rig?

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I have a Variax 300 and have used it with X3 live and a Flextone 3 xl for a number of years, but I am now looking closely at the DT25/DT50 and the HD500.

Will the variax 300 work in conjunction with the hd500 to do the guitar model switiching as well as amp switiching? Does anyone currently have this set up? if so how is it working for you?


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I regularly use a Variax 300 with a Pod HD and Studio/Direct out to a PA. The interaction between the HD500 and the DT amp is independent of the interaction between the Vax and the Pod.


The Variax 300 and the Pod HD work very well together in terms of storing/switching Variax settings within the Pod HD preset. Like Zap says, the Pod/JTV combination offers more in terms of Variax control using the Pod, but as far as the technology allows the Variax 300 works perfectly for me with the Pod HD.

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I have this setup for home/practice use.  Works great!!  Alt Tunings can be set in the workbench software and assigned to your custom bank on the variax, but I haven't had much luck getting it to switch to the custom patches on the HD500.  Maybe I'm just not doing it right.  Anyway, you can always switch to the custom patch on the fly, on the variax if the alt tuning is needed.  Saving my pennies for the JTV59P, which I plan to buy around tax time, and an Lt2 or Lt3.  Haven't made my mind up on that yet.

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