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Help with using a HX Effects


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Hey everyone,


New here, not really new to guitar persay but to how in depth the Effects is it's got me confused. So I finally learned tonight how to control my amp switching on my tube amp and add it to a foot switch. But I'm confused as to the purpose if it can't be a universal switch? I can switch from clean to dirty inside of a preset but if it's a clean preset, what's the point or vice versa? I'm hoping I'm explaining this correctly, I was trying to figure out snapshots but I don't think that's what I need. Is it possible to assign presets to footswitches without having to scroll out through the mode button and if so is there a way to have the footswitch auto switch the amp when that preset is selected? Or is the one way to add the amp switching to each preset I need it under and select the preset and then change the channel? Also is there a way to save this setting? I have to go through all the settings every single time. Hopefully this makes sense.

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If I understand your question correctly, i think you're looking to switch your amp from clean to dirty from within the same preset. If so, you assign the EXT amp to the footswitch of your choice, then press that switch to change amp channels. If you want to save the state of your amps channel, then press the EXT amp switch to dim or lit (clean or dirty), hit save, save again, then your amps channel state will be set to that particular preset for future.


Now if you're looking to switch the channels of your amp from within the same preset and also turn effects on and off, without having to turn off the effects manually, then you should use snapshots.


So basically, think of a preset as a song And for example, snapshot 1 could be your clean channel with chorus, then snapshot 2 could be the dirty channel with a phaser and so on.

Turn off phaser in snap 1, set to clean, turn on chorus, save. Then in snap 2, turn phaser on, turn chorus off, set to dirty, save. Then just switch between those two snapshots will make those changes automatically.


Hope this helps.

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There is no way to make amp switching a GLOBAL (universal - automatically applied in every preset). You must configure amp switching in EACH preset.


You can set it up to switch the channel when the preset loads by using "Instant Commands" (the lightening bolts in Command Center).

You can set it to change on demand with a footswitch.

You can do both.


The workaround I'd use would be to create a Template with the Command Center settings desired. Then create your presets starting with the Template.

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