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How to route audio and global settings


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Being relatively new to Helix LT Im not sure if Im doing somethng wrong or if I can even do what I want to achieve but is there a way for me to:


Use my Helix LT with my laptop and 2 studio monitors and an amplifier (through the speaker only) AND hear only the guitar through the amp AND only backing tracks through the studio monitors?

And if so how to set it up and which settings to use.

Just now Im hearing he backing tracks both through monitors and amplifier, and hearing guitar through both monitors and amplifier.




I have an SPL Crimson audio interface, Im not using, so if I cant achieve the above setup as is, how best to set up with the Crimson to achieve what Im after? (If its the only way to do so)

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OK... I'm assuming then that you are using the LT as the computer interface. This is what I would suggest....

  • Insert a SEND at the end of your guitar chain, and set the MIX of the send so the signal does NOT continue to the main outputs. (ie: it only sends the signal to the send itself)
  • Connect the SEND to your guitar amp. 

Your amp now gets the guitar signal, while the computer sound should still continue to the monitors. 


IMO... I would ditch the amp and listen to it all through the monitors, but that's just me :) 

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With the studio monitors connected to the Helix XLR Outs:

In Global Settings - Ins/Outs, set USB 1/2 Destination to XLR.

Connect 1/4" Outs to your amp.

Set the Volume knob to control whichever (not sure of the options on the LT).


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