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Helix LT Global Wah return to volume on preset change?


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Does anyone know how to set the Helix LT up so that anytime you use the onboard Wah Pedal (Exp 1 in my case)...then hit a footswitch to change to a different preset automatically switches back to and activates the onboard Vol Pedal (Exp 2)?


My Line 6 X3 Live does this.  Not sure how to get it to work on the Helix LT.  I've got both wah and volume blocks in the presets I'm working with.  Individually they work great going back and forth as long as you don't switch presets.  Currently if I'm in Wah mode and want to switch to another preset I first have to toe click the exp ped to get back to volume mode before switching presets. 

Right now if I switch presets while in Wah mode the Wah Exp 2 red light stays lit but the wah is not active.  If I want to get the volume to work on the new preset I just switched to I have to toe kick the pedal to move it back to volume mode and then hit the same preset again.


My X3 Live could automatically switch the wah back to volume anytime I switched presets.

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The attached preset was created by selecting a new preset, adding a Wah, then adding a Volume. The Wah, when added, is OFF by default (Exp1). The Volume, when added, is ON by default (Exp2). Then it was saved.

Pressing the Toe Switch toggles them.

If you add the Wah, then turn it ON, then add the Volume and SAVE, the toe switch will toggle both ON or OFF, but the scribble strip indicates Exp1 when they're both OFF, Exp2 when they're both ON. I suppose it might be possible to get them to act in some other weird way, but I don't see any point in further experimentation on getting it wrong.

Remove both the Wah and Volume from your preset and SAVE it. Then add the Wah back in. DO NOT TURN IT ON! Then add the Volume back in. DO NOT TURN IT OFF! Now SAVE.

You should be good to go!



EDIT - Sorry, you've got the LT, no scribble strip, but the light should behave as expected.

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48 minutes ago, rd2rk said:


Your suggestion sounded great but still same result.  I’m still stuck in Exp 2 when I hit my standard tone patch from my solo patch with wah activated. 
Volume is 100% full on the standard patch when I switch....but the pedal is dead and still shows the red Exp 2 light.  The only way I can get Exp 1 volume to work is to toe kick the then switches green .....but I get a full forward wah tone with no control.   I finally get back to normal by hitting the preset button again.  Ugh!

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2 hours ago, echordeddie said:

I haven't gotten to figuring out how to load someone else's presets yet so no I haven't tried yours yet...but thanks for sending it.

Also, yes by patch I mean button preset. 


Attach the two presets that are giving you trouble and I'll see if I can find the problem. I sent that preset just to see if your unit might somehow be defective, because no matter what I try, I can't duplicate the problem.

To load someone else's preset just download it - Right click and Save Link Content or whatever your system calls it - then in HX Edit just drag it to an empty preset, or use IMPORT PRESET.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/7/2019 at 9:38 PM, echordeddie said:

  I’m still stuck in Exp 2 when I hit my standard tone patch from my solo patch with wah activated. 
Volume is 100% full on the standard patch when I switch....but the pedal is dead and still shows the red Exp 2 light.  The only way I can get Exp 1 volume to work is to toe kick the then switches green .....but I get a full forward wah tone with no control.   I finally get back to normal by hitting the preset button again.  Ugh!


man i'm so frustrated about this please let me know if you find a solution.  I'm always on red exp 1 wah wah when my band finishes our song!  if i finish and forget to click back out the next song/preset is thwarted

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There's a setting somewhere in Globals (Preferences?) that sets the exp pedal per preset or global. I'm out of town so I can't look at it,, but run through the Global Xettings and you should find it.

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On 7/23/2020 at 12:27 AM, zavetis said:


man i'm so frustrated about this please let me know if you find a solution.  I'm always on red exp 1 wah wah when my band finishes our song!  if i finish and forget to click back out the next song/preset is thwarted


The state of the expression pedal should be recalled with preset/snapshot changes, so I'm not sure how this could even be an issue. This was changed in a firmware update a few years ago now. What firmware version are you running?

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