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Dear all,

first of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm writing you from Italy.


I'm owner of a Line6 X3 live since 2010.

Some days ago, suddenly, the downer footswitches row (down bank, A, B, C, D, TAP switches) are dead.

I've disassembled it, but by multimeter, all micro switches work well!.

The wires strip and terminal strip get the signals properly to motherboard also.

I've updated firmware and all possible by Monkey.

But the problem doesn't fix.

I can move anyway the A, B, C, D banks by a dedicated little scroller, but it is unconfortable. Obviosly, the tuner can't be working.

How I can do?


Please can someone to help me?

I've already readed all threads I can try, without good results.


I'm waiting your.


Many thanks.



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