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Helix presets to Pod?


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Surely not.. the 2 devices are based on different modeling engines..


What you could do is to open the 2 editors side by side and try to build/copy manually in the POD editor what you see in the HX editor, mainly the general structure in the chain of the patches, things like: which amp/s type is used, what type of boosting/overdriving solution is applied, which FXs and what type are placed before and after the amp model, type of mics selected, etc. but the parameters values and models can't be simply copied, since the 2 devices don't respond in the same way..


It takes time, and frankly I don't know how much it is worth the effort doing such a job..


If you have already a good idea of the general structure of the patches you usually need, probably it would be much better and less time consuming to build your patches from scratch directly with your POD editor without caring about the Helix patches..


There is nothing better than you ears to decide in real time if putting a certain model in some place in the chain is giving a good result or not with the device you are currently using..


Even if as an example it was possible (obviously not) to copy the AXE FX (or any other modeler) patches into the POD, the results on the POD would be quite different, and viceversa, not necessarily worse, but surely different..


In general the patches built on a certain device sound better on the device where they have been built.

Patches are and should be like tailored clothes, ie tailor-made for a certain device, and for the guitar and the player who creates them.



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31 minutes ago, clivea said:

Are HX Stomp presets compatible with the Pod Pro 500x?


What I said previously applies also in case of the HX Stomp..

Forget exchanging patches between different devices. It doesn't work.



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