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Torpedo C.A.B. in FX Loop


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Hi Everyone !


I'm doing some experimentations, as I still have a torpedo C.A.B. that was taking some dust in my room.


I tried to put in in a FX loop, both input / outputs triggers on line level (same for the fx loop in / out). 


I have the feeling that the sound going out from the loop is kind of muffled / scooped, really lacking brightness, and can't figure out how to get this better, which is a pity regarding the cab / miking options available on the torpedo. 


Do someone already experienced this and found a solution ? 


Thanks in advance !

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IIRC the Torpedo has a "line/GTR (instrument)" setting. Make sure that matches the setting for the LOOP in the Helix! Set both to LINE, or both to INSTRUMENT. This will assure the proper levels are sent back and forth between the units. 


If the problem continues, it's easy to test a loop. 

  1. Insert a short patch between the send/return on the loop in the Helix
  2. Insert that loop block in your preset
  3. toggle the loop block on/off, NOTHING should change if you have it setup with no cuts or gains applied in the loop block.
  4. If it sounds different when toggled, there is a problem in the Helix (settings or hardware) that need attention! If it sounds right, then the problem is not the Helix itself. It is the Torpedo, OR a mismatch in levels! 




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