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reorganize patch order


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I feel like this should be easy but I'm somehow missing it. Is there a way to just reorganize the presets, without having to copy/overwrite/save to my tones?


Like, can I just drag preset A into preset B's spot, without having to copy B into myTones, then overwrite A into B, then finally save B back into A?


I just want to reorganize my commonly used preset banks to all be together so I can switch banks up or down easily, without having to go from bank 16 to 32. 

But I don't want to wholesale lose a bunch of presets, even if I don't commonly use them.


So how do I get my common presets into Banks 1-4, for example, easily and quickly? And move the ones I never use (and could lose, but it's not like I need the space) into other banks? 

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On 7/20/2020 at 5:12 AM, Punkyboy said:

Yes you can

Go to your firehawk preset and on the top right you can see "3strippes" just tap on it and now you will see an icon on the right side of your preset

Tap and hold and slide to another place

I love my firehawk and 2 years in but there's some absurd no-brainer things that should have been included. One major missing feature of the app is ability to drag a preset and drop it where you want it. There's EVEN an "edit" button and all that does is help you delete a preset. 


My solution.. 

All the FH presets in the app do actually auto-sort alpha numerically and by symbols too.  To that end all my presets start with a # and number...


#01 F Dlx Rev-Norm         

#02 F Dlx Rev-Trem

#03 F B-man-Norm

#04 Orange AD30

#05 Mesa/B Mk IIC +

etc, etc, etc


This way you can do "save as" and force order alpha numerically. I use # as first symbol so all my presets list first since I do have some other things that start with numbers. 


@Punkyboy - I'm on an iphone and that feature you are describing does not exist.   


Sorry - Update on my comments...

I described my experience in the "My Tones" tab.. Punkyboy may be correct for the "Firehawk" tab...   

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