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HX Stomp Volume Drop


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My HX Stomp has an intermittent problem where I’ll be playing and the volume will drop by about 40%. It normally comes back to 100% without any action on my part. To isolate the problem I tried using my guitar plugged into the line in with a brand new Mogami instrument cord and used the headphones to monitor. Same problem as when I was going through the audio interface to record. Drops the volume and then the volume comes back. This will be a big problem when recording. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, what was the solution?  I’m currently using the latest firmware.

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  • 3 years later...

I've got the same problem with my HX Stomp. Tried four guitars and replaced cables but the volume drop (I think it's coming from the input because the amp model reacts to it correctly and changes the sound) comes and goes without any pattern.


Do you got any updates on this? Should I file an issue here?


What was the outcome?

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Test with this:

Set Global Settings->Send Return L to Inst.

Set the input block to Input Return L/R by turning the lower knob one step (on a preset without FX loop).


Use the Return L as input and test if whether the volume still drops. If it doesn't - but still does when you use the main input - then it's probably a hardware defect in the main input.

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