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Copy, paste and amend blocks per snapshot


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Firmware/Editor: Firmware 3.01; HX Edit 3.00
OS: Windows 10
Global Settings: Defined by Command Centre
Bug: When copying amp parameters from a snapshot in HXEdit, and pasting to a different snapshot, the original snapshot parameters are not saved.


I have a list of similar presets, each with a different amp, and each with 3 snapshots; Clean, Crunch, Dirty. The main difference for each snapshot is to allow changes to the amp parameters, Drive, CH Vol and Master. For some presets, if I use HX Edit to go to the Clean snapshot, I select and copy the amp block, switch to the Crunch snapshot, click on the amp and paste, the "Clean" parameters are visible. I can then amend them as required and save the preset (either in HX Edit or direct on the Helix floor) and everything looks OK. If I switch back to the amp in the Clean preset the parameters now show the values from the Crunch preset. The same can happen going from Clean and/or Crunch to Dirty or the other way. On some occasions it seems to work, but it is very random. I have raised a support ticket :- 397839, received some suggestions, but nothing that seems to eliminate the issue.



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On 3/9/2021 at 4:00 AM, lesken said:

Firmware/Editor: Firmware 3.01; HX Edit 3.00
OS: Windows 10
Global Settings: Defined by Command Centre
Bug: When copying amp parameters from a snapshot in HXEdit, and pasting to a different snapshot, the original snapshot parameters are not saved.


I have a list of similar presets, each with a different amp, and each with 3 snapshots; Clean, Crunch, Dirty. The main difference for each snapshot is to allow changes to the amp parameters, Drive, CH Vol and Master. For some presets, if I use HX Edit to go to the Clean snapshot, I select and copy the amp block, switch to the Crunch snapshot, click on the amp and paste, the "Clean" parameters are visible. I can then amend them as required and save the preset (either in HX Edit or direct on the Helix floor) and everything looks OK. If I switch back to the amp in the Clean preset the parameters now show the values from the Crunch preset. The same can happen going from Clean and/or Crunch to Dirty or the other way. On some occasions it seems to work, but it is very random. I have raised a support ticket :- 397839, received some suggestions, but nothing that seems to eliminate the issue.




I assume you are overwriting the existing block in the snapshot you are copying to rather than adding a new one. Is that correct? Unless there is a bug on certain amp models, possible but unlikely, my first guess would be that you are occasionally failing to save the preset before switching back to another snapshot. When I copy/paste a block between snapshots, as you said you do in your post, I can consistently recreate the loss of the newly copied block's parameter settings as you describe; but only if I fail to save before switching to another snapshot. As long as I save the preset first before switching, the parameter values from the block I cut/pasted get saved as well.


Kind of interesting. The global Recall/Discard settings seem to work as described in the manual and the paragraph below when modifying parameters on a block between switching snapshots, but not when copying and overwriting an entire identical existing block along with its parameters to a different snapshot. Important to know if you construct your snapshots by cutting and pasting blocks within a single preset as the OP does. Although the setting described below does not seem to affect the behavior of the parameter value saving when copying and pasting blocks between snapshots(you still need to save before switching snapshots) it does impact preset editing in general. 


Copied over from my recent post on a different snapshot issue: 

"The Global Settings --> 'Preferences' --> 'Snapshot Edits'  not only impacts how the snapshots behave while performing but also while editing a preset. If you have it set to "Discard" it is not a bad idea to save each snapshot before moving on to design the next one. Otherwise it is pretty easy to inadvertently lose the snapshots settings when you start switching around to edit other snapshots. With it is set to "Recall" you can save just once when you have completed editing the entire preset."


Btw, you need to download and install HX Edit 3.0.1. I notice you are running the 3.0.1 firmware but HX Edit 3.0. You need to sync the versions up.

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