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Helix expression pedal issue - full Helix (not LT)


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So....playing this morning and my expression pedal (first time I used it this morning) decides to 'break?'  


I have a preset where 0% is automatically off, my effects needed in this preset engage at 7%.  The details of the effects dont matter.  Anyway, I was playing sitting down (no weight put on the pedal) and when the solo came, i realized my pedal was in 100% position.  I quickly moved it to 0% and then used it normally as needed in the song, again while sitting down (minimal weight put on it, if any really).  I finish the solo, return the pedal to 0% and i notice what I'm playing isnt lining up with the music I'm playing to.  I notice my pedal is reading at 28%, which I have a whammy block attached to the auto engage.  I correct it back to 0% and it repeats falling to the 28% again.  


Needless for more detail I test this over and over again, and it sometimes stays at 28%, but most times it falls all the way to 100% just under its own weight.  


Is there something that I need to get inside and tighten, I didnt see anything on the exterior to tighten, however, its on my pedalboard and hard to see some spots/angles.  I've had it for quite awhile and this is the first of this issue.  Even when standing  I do not 'lean' my weight on it when using, if anything I balance my weight on my left leg and the right (expression pedal foot) is to keep balance while playing, so yes...some weight but not enough that I'd ever think it'd be too much.



Any ideas before I open it up to correct anything I can, its well beyond the warranty period, and I'm about to start a regular string of acoustic shows so getting it shipped and back, while possible, is not very convenient.  

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On 4/23/2023 at 2:41 AM, MGW-Alberta said:

If you need it to engage at 7% then you go into the settings and adjust the minimum to 7%.  Be advised, once you do that it won't go below 7% now matter how hard you push the treadle backward.


As for the tension on the treadle, an Allen key came with your Helix. Use it to adjust the tension on the treadle.  It doesn't take much.  I advise you swing the key maybe a half inch at a time until you find your sweet spot.  This is just a guess but I imagine a half inch is maybe 1/20th of a full 360º turn.


One issue lots of folks experience with the treadle is squeaking.  Pull the bolt out and lubricate it with some silicone and reinstall.  Silicone won't harm the synthetic bushing like some other lubes can.  It may start to squeak again.  Just repeat the procedure until it stops for good.  Mine took 3 applications to make it stop.  Now it just needs it about every 18 months or so.  I use 3 in 1 Silicone Lubricant.  Be cautious with the lube.  You don't want to slather it on so it drips inside the device.  No good will come of that.

I appreciate the response, well aware of how the auto-engage works.  It was more the physical response of the pedal that I was trying to verify.  


On 4/23/2023 at 8:15 AM, theElevators said:

Ok so it’s a hardware issue. Go and tighten the pedal with the supplied hex key. If it’s too loose, tighten it. 

I figured, I'll have to pull it off my board then I didn't see a place to initially adjust that just with a quick examination.  Hoping that's all it is.  That pedal has been rock solid since I had it.  I suppose it was bound to come loose if that's what it is.  

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