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Everything posted by themetallikid

  1. I agree, but this goes against my normal work flow. Though I've gotten better at doing this. I typically will build a preset as I navigate through a song, so if an effect is not used til later and only on snapshot 3, i already have snapshots 1 and 2 designed, and then adding a block on snapshot 3, thus adds it as active on 1 and 2. I wish there was a setting we could choose if blocks added are active/disabled initially. The only other way I could see would be to save it as a new 'user' default....but offhand I'm not sure if that overrides the bypass state when added. Im pretty sure favorites do, but I dont want to save a favorite for every block i use, when user defaults are the same thing, and easier to access for some things.
  3. The dial is not loose on the pot pole, its like the whole pot is loose in its slot. Not sure what happened, as it wasnt like that a few days ago. It looks to me like there is a nut that holds it in place to the chassis? Before I tear it apart to try and tighten it....can someone confirm that? it looks like I could get a flat wrench underneath and just tighten it to resecure it to the chassis.
  4. No, its definately not loose enough to fall down if i leave it at 70%, but maybe a bit stiffer would keep it locked down where i step off. Yeah i had the same issue with the LT toe down side where i'd step off it at 100% and it would 'drift' down as far as 85%. so it made it stupidly tough to set the auto-engage thresholds. this isnt doing that, i can see the pedal return to 0, and then move due to the rubber stopper /foot. I used to do toe-down for the 'off' position and switched to I likely just didnt notice it right away (last 5ish years, lol)
  5. So I tend to assign stomp like changes or auto-engage settings to my expression pedal for various effects. I tend to set my 'turn-on' setting at around 5-7%. However, while playing and I return my pedal to 0%, it will adjust, up a few % points to between 3-7% randomly. I'm assuming 2 things..... 1) the calibration isn't setting the 0% at the correct location (I dont believe this to be the issue as the 100% side of the range is spot on for sure). 2) that the rubber stopper maybe is too thick? would the best remedy be to maybe grind/shave that down a bit to get it to rest lower?
  6. I havent had this problem before. Typically, same setup.....sans mixer connection....i'd have to run spotify volume around 80% or it overpowered my helix portion of what I was hearing. As far as I'm aware, unless a Spotify update changed something with settings, I have not noticed this issue otherwise. I really think the mixer is not an issue, was more looking for a way to adjust the Spotify/tracks volume as my Spotify/Windows volumes are maxed, without having to adjust my preset volumes cause they are hitting my mixer where I want them.....or needing to have a separate at home vs. practice/gig setlist of presets. I will say, which I have not added to this conversation....and this is more likely the 'problem' that I have redone my presets for this project. My output settings have always been set to 0.0 db previously, and then using a gain block to adjust a boost for leads. On my new presets I do have the rhythms -3db, and leads at 0.0 db. so nothing should be different then in a way that makes my guitar louder than it was. However I am using the SLO amps in my presets and have noticed that the channel volumes range between 4.5 and 7 depending on the version of the SLO and its gain setting. I'm wondering if that amp model is just that much 'louder' of an amp sim than the Placatar which I was using before. I'm using the same IR so no changes there. Is the SLO amp just that much louder compared to the Placatar? My Placatar settings (saturation switch was on, which seems to drop the output volume a bit) was constantly in the 9 range.
  7. I dont usually use the mixer at home. I fail to see how the mixer being connected to the laptop via CAT5 cable, and only getting audio out of my Helix 1/4" output would cause me to get a different spotify level utilizing Helix's headphone jack. Windows is utilizing the Helix driver, volume level. There is nothing passing audio from the laptop to the mixer.
  8. Yes i should have stated it better. I'm going guitar>Helix > Laptop/mixer. I am monitoring directly off the Helix via the Headphones jack. I have the windows/Helix output selected and its at 100, usually this is fine and then adjust my headphones output to where i want my guitar to be in my ears and then use the spotify volume setting to adjust the 'mix' of the song vs preset volumes. i dont know if something changed or what, but my spotify and windows volumes are maxed and my preset is overpowering the music. ok. i've never had to adjust this so i'm not sure what changed. I'll try this, thank you
  9. So I have helix connected to laptop via usb. Laptop connected to Behringer Xair16 mixer to help me check levels or preset creation. I have the volume the loudest in spotify that i can. the Windows volume (helix driver) is at 100%. Is the only way to balance the volume of the spotify music vs my presets by adjusting my preset level? My presets are totally drowning out the Spotify music, but what i'm sending is right where i want it to be for the mixer for full band stuff. I didnt see anything in Global settings to adjust usb audio signal level boost/cut.
  10. is the sound just when the preset is loaded as in digital clipping? or is it happening during the switch to the lead preset? While I agree with 'Elevators' use of snapshots instead, depending on when the sound is happening that could help determine why. Are the rhythm and lead presets exactly the same (as in copied rhythm to a new preset) and then you added something to the lead preset to make it stand out? If so, what was added.....??
  11. I did this for awhile with the SLO100 amps. Depending on the song I could get by with either Clean/Crunch, or Crunch/OD or Clean/OD. The Clean amp when gain is topped off can get you some nice low/mid grittyish tones. Those amps really scall well from 1>2>3 as far as gain goes. I should revisit those amps....wish they werent so dsp heavy though. I think OP could literally do the Clean/Crunch, throw an OD808 in front and control the gain of the amps with snapshots and use the TS808 at various levels for leads.
  12. I've done this with the Placatar Dirty model....the trick for me to get the cleans (unless you want the spanky clean sound, its still sorta a marshally clean) is to make sure the BE/HBE switch is to BE so its less gain from the start, also make sure the Fat/C/Saturation switches are all off. This makes it a bit sparklier in tone in the amp. There is a spot in the gain setting that you can get to a cleanish type will vary with pickups youre using. You can also make the input pad switchable on snapshots I believe, so that will help, but also, if you have room in your chain for a block, add a volume block first in the chain and play with the setting. Take the expression controller off of it and assign it to snapshots instead. I do this all the time when I dont have the DSP to add a 2nd amp...I will just reduce the volume to a % that is similar to rolling your guitar volume down to clean up an amp. (also essentially what the input pad is doing as well). For me, i usually have to dip below 10%. Too close to 1-2% and you might get some weird signal levels if you have the gate on, but that is also switchable via snapshots so on your clean snapshot turn the gate off.
  14. I had this issue sorted once before, but I have no idea what I did to reverse it or now, fix it again. Simple setup, Helix connected via USB to Laptop/Reaper. I like to record things this way, works great. I also like to use this to help level presets a bit more when my ears are being finicky between clean/dirty sounds. So, my issue is that when I turn monitoring on in Reaper, in order for the master fader (the only one I know of that is of decent size to see numbers well) to read the output level of the sounds like i'm in a small bathroom. If I turn off monitoring, I can hear the preset as it should be, but then lose the master monitoring. So... 1) Is there a better meter for me to use in Reaper?? 2) Is there a setting that i'm missing somewhere in the 10k setting options in Reaper that is doing this? I found that turning off the sends in the routing fixes it, however that also removes the monitoring. 3) Is there a different leveling/metering option I can use on a windows laptop to get an idea of preset output levels to help keep things tidy. Generally my 'stock' presets are usually leveled, but when I go to add new songs/presets getting those to match the main library is a pain.
  15. I have had more disconnection issues since 3.7, nothing different with my setup, than i've had in helix's lifetime with me. I"ve never had disconnection issues unless my cord is bumped and wiggles a bit, but since 3.7, i get random disconnects. without touching the cable, i can click reconnect and it does so fine for whatever period it wants. i'm usually jamming so HX edit is not the primary window open, but again, had 0 issues with pre 3.7.
  16. Appreciate the help. for the most part there is clean sounded picked notes and a strummed bar chord. I guess what i'm looking for is something that will take those notes and blossom some background 'fill' if that makes sense.
  17. So, against my better judgement of throwing my bass player a bone in song selection, my band is going to cover Garbage's song Stupid Girl. We have 2 guitars, and the other guitar player is more the bare bones guitar sound sorta guy and I get all the fun parts with effects. So.... there is almost 0 need for a 2nd guitar, and playing things just to duplicate them makes no sense in this song. So unless i just walk off stage, grab a beer and wait til it's over (not a bad backup plan)....I need help in dialing in some sort of atmospheric space filler sound. Now, i'm completely ignorant, but this type of reverb effect dialing in is not anything i've really done. I dialed in some space filler type sound for my picking part of another song, but that doesnt transfer well into this song, even with some additional decay/mix/etc parameter editing. So.....I just need some guidance on how to approach this. In my mind it seems like reverb would be the best option....???
  18. I am playing an electric guitar with the acoustic sim to help make leads a bit easier to play as we try to keep songs as similar to the full band versions as possible. Which is where i'm struggling a bit to find a sound that retains that acoustic type sound, but gives me a bit more girth to work with gain wise. I think the first suggestions of the tube pre or legacy tube drive might be best options to try. I have not tried the Prize Drive yet, but have tried the Minotaur/Teemah and such and there is something in those that I dont like in THIS application.
  19. Never thought about the preamps, but I like that thought line in my head, and seems to be more flexible.... my preset is pretty simple as well, so I should have plenty of dsp/room to do that.
  20. Yeah the Studio Pre is one that I had in mind to try out when i sat down again with it, but the legacy side is one that i for sure have not explored with this goal in mind. I will note the Tube Drive. Thanks for the suggestion. The EQ'ing i'm not worried about, i can handle that if needed, its more the added playability of 'dirty' without it being too grindy and trying to keep it in the acoustic family tone-wise. Although, adding a post OD EQ may help tame what i'm not liking so far on some of the models i've tried that get them into that fatter overdriven tone that i'm trying to avoid in a way.
  21. So I do solo acoustic shows (no leads required), I have a duo group (on a real acoustic) and I'm fine with my tones on those projects for how I play. However, I have a 3 piece (2 guitars, lead singer) where we are a 'broken down' version of the full band with a few deviations setlist wise to lean more towards the acoustic sound of things as some songs just dont carry the weight. We do a variety of songs (girl singer), and to help make things easier with capo/keys and such, I've adopted the Poly/Acoustic sim approach for myself to blend with the other guitar players acoustic. No worries here rhythm wise, it sounds great and the Helix makes it super easy for me to turn on the Poly Pitch to adjust where my capo would be. However, I am struggling with getting a good lead sound for this. I could just boost the level a little add the usual delay, etc, however, i want to add a little bit of dirt/weight to the tone without losing the sort of acoustic vibe that we have created. I've tried a variety of OD blocks, and just cant seem to get a good balance between adding a little grittyness to the sound but then making the acoustic sim lose its character. It's hard to describe what i'm really looking to do, I hope it makes sense. Initially I tried switching to a fenderish amp to create a good clean lead tone to put over the other acoustic, but I didnt like the overall sound that had. I like having the acoustic sim still there, but need to find a way to boost it up a bit to give me more of a fluid lead type sound. Any ideas? I have not dug into the legacy options yet, but just looking for suggestions or ideas??
  22. Yes this is what i did when i was testing some IR's. I'd set up an Amp & Cab Block of whatever amp I was going to be using, dial it in as best as I thought I could with the stock cab/speaker. Then i would set up 2 IR's on path 1, and 2 IR's on path 2. I would then make each one active on a different snapshot. I could test 4 at a time then, so typically i would take the same speaker/cab combination but change the mic or mic placement to find it out. Once I liked something I would save it as a favorite and then create a new round of the favorites to compare the speaker/cab/mic choices I liked. Much more thorough of a process, but worked for me.
  23. I have noticed this as well. Few things about when I do notice it. Guitar with Hetfield EMG's so plenty of input signal (input pad is off) Gate is on, -48db, 250ms decay. Poly block is first in my chain. I have also noticed this....its not at audible level if i was playing out live, but with headphones on, and letting a note ring out, when its very low in signal strength, i also hear it jumping back to original pitch. I'm typically using the -1 setting as well, fast tracking (maybe tied to this setting instead of the most accurate one?) with the tone/eq setting at 5.0. Its subtle and again, well after i would have killed the note live, but when i let something ring out and am adjusting in HX Edit, i can here it happening at the very end of my input signal life. I suppose you could add something like a gain block or something before it to boost it if its really bad, however i'd be wary of just introducing more noise into your signal then.
  24. I'm curious if he is updating his dsp or if anyone else has a list of the dsp usage of the new amps. His site was great for allowing to compare the new blocks compared to what i'm using now without having to go into each preset and click and look for colors. I get that i could just try that, but I tried reworking a new preset structure assuming the L6 original amps were as low dsp wise as the Ventoux or a few others, but they seem to be higher than some of the previous ones.
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