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Per-patch snapshot behavior?


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I feel like a dummy for asking, since I'm sure I've seen the answer to this years ago (but can't find it).


I know you can globally set snapshot behavior so that selecting a snapshot does not take you out of snapshot mode. However, I recently download some patches for a specific gig, and some of them stay in snapshot mode when I select a snapshot and some don't.


Can you set that behavior per patch? IOW, most of my snapshot patches stay in snapshot mode when I select a snapshot, but one new one does not, and I'd like to set that one to stay in snapshot mode until I purposely want to select a new patch. What am I missing? 


A little background: I'm definitely not a Helix power user. I gig with mine a lot, but only touch the editor when I have to. Put it this way: I only recently updated from v. 3.15. 

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A recent firmware update (can’t recall what version) introduced a new feature in Command Centre that allows you to assign any footswitch to recall a snapshot while in Stomp mode. You may be seeing this behaviour, unfamiliar to you. Your Helix remains in Stomp mode although a snapshot footswitch is available.


Check that out, then return here if there’s still any problem or confusion.

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Press the Mode button... you are probably in pedal board mode...  If you are then the snapshot buttons will disappear/reappear if they are not assigned to buttons using Command Center (look it up).


A somewhat related example... I have all my presets running in snapshot mode -- 8 snaps.  To avoid my snapshot buttons disappearing, I recreated all of my snapshot buttons in stomp mode.  So if I press the "mode" button, I will still see the same snapshots, but without the up/down buttons.




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