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Tone. Where to start?


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For recording, I would start by using the POD Go as your audio interface. Connect it to your computer via usb and configure your DAW to use the POD Go with its ASIO driver as your audio input and output device. Disconnect your UA interface. Record direct; do not mic your amp. Connect your headphones (or studio monitors) to the POD Go audio outputs. If you wish you can just do this temporarily for diagnostic purposes.


Start with a very basic POD Go preset, just your preferred amp model and its default cab. See if the recording still sounds ‘muddy’. Let us know the results of that and, if requested, we can try to answer further questions.

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Firmware was already updated.  Using the Pod Go as an interface didn't seem to make any difference.  Just can't capture the clarity that im after.  I think I may have found good tone though.    I'll give it a shot and see what happens.  


What do you suggest next?  

Oh and thank you! 

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I would keep it simple for now. Continue seeking a ‘good’ (for you) tone using just the POD Go. If/when you are able to do that then you can pursue the need/desire to introduce other equipment such as a physical amp or the other audio interface. If you end up being unable to find a good tone using just the POD Go, then it simply isn’t the device for you.


You might consider browsing the Marketeplace for tones you like, and purchase some as a starting point for further exploration.

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Can you or someone recommend some tone settings: 90s Alternative,  Hard Rock, and almost metal?  Is there a forum where tones are shared?  I'm slowly finding tones.  If someone could share some tones with me it would sure save a lot of time.   Thanks ya'll! 

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Tones are shared in the Customtone section of this website. A link is at the top of this page. You can filter for POD Go tones.


Be aware, though, that this is an unmoderated site and performs no tone quality assessment. Anyone can upload any tone they want, and name it or describe it however they want. And their description is accurate, for them, using their equipment in their environment. That doesn’t mean it will sound as expected to you when you listen to it using your equipment in your environment. Variables like the guitar being used, monitoring via different speakers or amps, and many others means that most tones you find and download may not sound good to you. On the other hand, some may sound great. And most will at least provide a starting point for your further tweaking and understanding of tone creation.

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Yeah the tones you'll get will be affected by your guitar pickups.  So downloaded patch might end up not sounding as they were designed to work with a different guitar..  What guitar do you use btw?


And I'd forget the Spider amp, you're much better off with studio monitors or good speakers, but I don't know particularly about the spider cab, my guess would be not the greatest, if its anything like my old Spider3, but newer hopefully would be better... lol


A decent place to start would be youtube...  Lots of good guides about Pod Go and just getting particular guitar tones.  It all starts with the Amp, lots of good modern Amps;  Archetype Lead, Derailed Ingrid, Placater Dirty, ANGL Meteor, Revv, Das Benzin, Line 6 Badonk, L6 Electrik etc.,


list vs real amps;  guides about tweaking particular amps should work similarly well with Go, although the real vs emulated identical settings might not translate 100%...  General ideas are the same with both cases though.


I would also have to start with IR, there`s the best IR in the world  lots of other good IRs to download, so you don`t have to use mic and cab which simplifies things quite a bit.  Just search on the web or in this forum, have a thread with lots of links, but this IR is just great overall with pretty much all styles.  But yeah, IR or cabs+mic selection makes a HUGE different to your sound and tone.


Other things you can try, cut the bass & increase mids to cut through mix, set amp sag to 0, don't max drive/distortion, should help things a bit.  That said, you might try boost bass & treble and cutting mids for that 'huge' sound, that can work in bedroom but doesn't translate to band/live very well..


But yeah, in the end, everything passes through your cab or speakers, so in this case, it might not be a case of "garbage in, garbage out", but you'll never better sound than your cab/speakers, lots of people here like FRFR powered cabinets, like FRFR-108 headrush I think it was.  Like a powered speaker with more neutral-ish tone; better for emulators and stuff, as normal guitar cabs sound like, normal guitar cabs, which isn't the greatest if you're trying to emulate different guitar cabs than the one you're using...  But even if you're using decent computer monitors, should sound more than decent!  Good studio monitors are even better, but an old spider cab will always sound like an old spider cab!  (but maybe modern ones are better.. hehe)




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Epiphone Studio LT.  


I've been on YouTube for hours.  I also formatted my laptop before installing everything.  


Maybe muddy isn't the term to describe my tone.  I'd say thin and fuzzy with no note definition.  I like a pretty heavy distortion yet nice and clear note definition if that makes since.


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On 7/28/2023 at 12:26 AM, Iguanastorm7 said:

Maybe muddy isn't the term to describe my tone.  I'd say thin and fuzzy with no note definition.  I like a pretty heavy distortion yet nice and clear note definition if that makes since.


Not sure, why not post a clip?  Also what are you comparing to?  With modern / heavy distortion, it's not like you're going to get note definition; it's just a general trait of distortion, everything tends to get and sound distorted, and you do lose a ton of note definition.  I think some amp models might be better than at retaining note definition than others, but it's just a trait of distortion.


Think note definition is more common trait of pickups, where something like Fluence Modern or Bare Knuckle will give you better note definition, albeit with similar distortion limitations..  I mean, a lot of your tone comes from your guitar.


Anyway, all the tones you hear from youtube, you should be able to achieve using your own Pod Go.  But PG is a tool, and will be limited by its user... And sadly, I think the Go is slightly less user friendly than other simpler units; maybe higher potential, but requires bit more knowledge and skill to tweak properly and get certain sound quality, which might be easier to get out of the box from other units (I say this just owning Go, impression from Katana 'simplicity' and other simpler units).  And again, different guitars.


If you like what you hear from youtube, via your computer speakers, you should be able to get the same quality-ish with Go connected to PC via USB and playing through the same speakers...  


But yeah, what are you comparing to?  Another small detail; Pod Go emulates recorded guitar, not a pure amp + cab in a room...  So if you're expecting pure amp cab sound in a room, you're getting the recorded sound of a cab by a particular microphone...  Same for many units, slight difference, but difference none the less.. (does not really correspond to fizzy or whatnot)

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I'm comparing my memory of my old Gibson XR1 through a Randall 2x12 amp.  That was a long time ago though so maybe my memory serves me wrong?  Do you think my guitar could be the weak link?  


I noticed a lot of guys on YouTube get great tone with the Pod Go.  So why can't I?  

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Yeah really weird!  Your sound is really saturated, it almost sounds like..   Yeah, if you use the amp out, depending on a global setting, it can bypass the cab blocks (and everything after) and you'll get that sort of harsh tone that you're describing; what it seems like I'm hearing through your clip, and like you've described, fizzy, harsh, etc.


You could always try connecting laptop via USB, it should tell you right away if that's the issue.  Or, add a delay, last block of your chain, see if you hear it, that will confirm without switching any wire amp out is the cause.


And like Silverhead said in 1st response, try with headphones & headphone out see it sounds better. 


And yeah 100% that 'sound issue' doesn't come from the guitar!  Makes a difference, but not like that!!  This is great clip to hear what presets should somewhat sound like using proper guitar and playing style for the patch;  But I'm sure that your presets sound really really different




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Input output setting maybe?   


Yeah who knows!  Very weird getting tons of static when plugged USB ... !   Formatting might have been a bit over the top; possible you had some setting somewhere; be it under windows settings, in the DAO software you were using, etc,. format sometimes is the only recourse, but checking out setting and all typically can solve issues.


For Go, think it uses ASIO driver (installed with PodGo Edit?), or that was the recommended option/driver to configure to use with Audacity or other, low latency, etc., but any driver should work as per sound quality, maybe something was off as in bitrate or I don't know what else...


Have you tried plugging the Go directly to your Yamaha monitors?  Would have been great test; and as mentioned; using headphones, etc.  Looks like the HS line has TRS connectors, so 2 guitar cables should do the trick, definitely something you should try!  Even with just 1 speaker.  Just make sure to connect 'Main' output of Go to the HS! 


And yeah 100% those Yamahas are perfectly adequate and Go should sound fantastic once every issue is resolved!  :D  no need for FRFR lol

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On 7/29/2023 at 11:54 PM, Iguanastorm7 said:

Listen to Dynamics Noise Gate Heavy DIst Cali Rectifire 4X12 Cali V30.mp3 by Mario Keresztes on #SoundCloud


Listen to Heavy DIst Cali Texas Ch1 4X12 Cali V30.mp3 by Mario Keresztes on #SoundCloud


What do you think of this tone?  No more static.   

Nice!  So solved?  Just formatting, reinstalling everything and the problem went away?

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