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Changing HX Stomp Snapshots Via Midi In Voodoo Labs PX-8 Plus


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Hi Guys,

Hoping someone can help with the issue I have. I've recently upgraded my pedalboard and purchased a Voodoo Labs PX-8 Plus Switcher which is a great piece of gear. The idea is to have it control my pedals and also my HX Stomp. For context I use a load of different pedals (distortion, OD, EQ etc) and then use my Stomp for effects such as modulation and the stomp goes into the FX loop on my amp.

The way I've been using my stomp in my band situation is to have presets set up and then snapshots (there are 3 of these) within each preset. For example one of our songs requires me to use a phase effect in the intro, so I would set the preset up with 2 snapshots, snapshot 1 would have the phase effect then when the rest of the song kicks in I'll change to snapshot 2 for my regular sound.

So what I am trying to achieve is to be able to control my effects and my HX Stomp using the PX8. I have managed to get my pedals working and have set up some patches as this has been really straight forward. I have set up a Midi connection between my PX8 and Stomp and can change presets on my stomp with the PX8 by pressing button A, B, etc. However I don't know how to set it up to change snapshots within the preset. The work around I have at the moment is to use the PX8 to change presets and just set the presets up with the different modulation effects that I use but this isn't ideal as if I change a preset in the middle of a song theres an audible gap (to me anyway) between the changes.

So ideally I'd like it to work in this way:

Channel 1 is selected on the PX-8 and I press button A - this selects patch A1 on my Helix which has 2 snapshots configured
I then press button B on my PX-8 and it selects snapshot 2 of patch A1 on my Helix

Can this be done? If anyone could help that would be fantastic but bear in mind Im new to Midi so if anyone does know please explain in a way a complete idiot would understand.


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Since I have no idea what or how your PX8 works I'll just refer you to the key Helix MIDI reference in the Helixhelp web site.  This has a separate section on the Stomp but read through it all as this will give you a complete understanding of how to control your Helix via MIDI interactions.

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On 1/20/2024 at 4:32 AM, dmccarthy1973 said:

I have set up a Midi connection between my PX8 and Stomp and can change presets on my stomp with the PX8 by pressing button A, B, etc.


AFAICT after a quick look at the PX8 manual, the PX8 does not send MIDI. It responds to MIDI and will pass MIDI from one device to another, but I don't see any way to configure it to SEND MIDI. Unless it is an undocumented feature that when you select a pre-configured PX8 preset it automatically SENDS the corresponding PC# (Like MIDI PC Tx on the HXS). Where in the manual does it say that is possible? 


In order to change a Snapshot on the HXS via MIDI you need to send a CC#69 with a VALUE of 0-2, corresponding to Snapshots 1-3.

Again, I see nothing in the manual which indicates that possibility.


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