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Clean + Dirty + Overdrive?


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Looking for help or ideas on creating a single patch that will allow me to easily switch between Clean, Dirty and Overdrive pressing just one switch for each.

The problem I find is that if I have footswitch that enables a dirty setting and another footswitch to go to overdrive while I can set up overdrive to turn off the dirty this also means that turning Dirty off then turns Overdrive on making get back to clean difficult (maybe impossible?). Can I perhaps set up a another switch to turn both Dirty and Overdrive off at the same time to get back to Clean?


If I have Dirty and then just add Overdrive to the Dirty sound I then need to switch off both to get back to clean. My footwork skills are lacking so need it as simple as possible.  

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Snapshots do kind of do it but then I have to go into 4 footswitch mode, unless I buy and connect an external footswitch. I'm trying to do it all within one preset so I still have 6 footswitches to control effects. Snapshots also mean I have to press a button twice to go up 2 Snapshots, say to Overdrive, and then twice again to come back to Clean which is a bit awkward. 


(I wonder if there is a hack you could make to the JSON files to get one switch to switch off two others? )

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You can setup footswitch 1 turn on/off overdrive, FS 2 to turn on/off distortion, and you can program multiple parameters to FS 3, which for example could reduce channel volume, increase master volume, turn up amp gain, etc.   You'd have to still push 3 footswitches, but you get multiple combinable options of OD/DST/Gain, resulting in multiple possibilities.


You could also even bind multiple parameters to your volume/wah pedal, so that all the way up it's a clean tone, whereas all the way down it's disgusting distortion, and you get the in betweens too.


But the simplest for " Clean, Dirty and Overdrive pressing just one switch for each. ", is 3 snapshots, one for each of those tones.  1 footswitch for each, done.  KISS.  (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)


You could also tweak your presets so that the patch can clean up;  Meaning, you dial down the volume of your guitar and/or play softly, and the sound is clean, whereas when you play loud or crank up the guitar volume, you get a distorted tone.  For that, some amps are better than others, some amps/channels are great at it, others just can't do it.


But my 2c, you're likely trying to do too much with gear; especially if you're a newer player, with something like pod go, it's easy to lose sight that it's about guitar playing and not about microscopic distortion settings.  The music won't be good/bad because you've went from 25% OD to 35% OD, it's much more about actual music & how/what you play..!

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