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Turning Of The Pitch Glide in DL4 MKii

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Hi, I'm just about getting to grips with this pedal and it's enormous creative potential but in order for this to become my 'go-to' Delay I require the pitch glide is turned off! skipping from one tempo to another on each respective delay, creates all these pitchy artefacts that make using it as an 'all purpose' delay useless. I can't see anything in the global settings to address this issue at all? Any help would be appreciated.

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Are you talking about an actual pitch glide, or are you just referring to artifacts that are introduced with a tempo change? If the latter, that’s a natural effect that occurs in the analog world as well when you instantaneously change the delay tempo. I’m not sure how to counter that, but I don’t have any experience with the DL4 MKII.


There is a Global Setting that specifies whether tempo is associated with presets or is handled globally. Try setting  this to Global and see if the artifacts disappear. Not ideal because then you would need to change tempo manually every time you want a change.

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