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Using the fx loop.


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I want to insert a pedal in the HX ONE fx loop and from what I read you can set the HX ONE fx to be placed pre or post to this pedal but what about by passing the pedal completely? For example let's say I use the HX ONE in a switcher WITH a univibe where I wish to use it both before a fuzz and after a fuzz and the univibe is located in the fx loop of the HX ONE. Now the pre post thing works but if I want to use a klon drive in the unit with no univibe being used, how do I make it so the input only creates a drive tone in the hx one and out puts that drive tone without any univibe fx being imparted, which might from the pedal in the fx loop of the HX ONE.

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The HX One has no software control for the FX Loop. If the hardware (cables) are connected the FX Loop is on and can’t be turned off without disconnecting the cables,


However, if your Univibe pedal has an on/off footswitch that allows the signal to passthru while off (most do) I think you can do what you want using the Univibe switch rather than the HX One. But I may misunderstand your intentions.

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