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HX Stomp - Snapshot names no longer showing


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I know this one has come up before, but none of the answers seem to help....

I use Helix Edit connected to the Stomp.  Until a couple of days ago, the snapshot names were showing in the Stomp; now it just shows "1" "2" "3" - however, in HX Edit the names are still displayed as created (e.g, "Clean" Crunch" "Delay")
I've switched off the stomp and reconnected; I've closed down HX Edit and then restarted; I've done a factory reset of the stomp then reinstalled my saved setlist. Nothing seems to get me back to where I was a few days ago when the names showed correctly.

The firmware on my Stomp is 3.71 and the HX Edit is 3.70 - nothing has changed as far as I'm aware.


Any ideas?

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Is it that way in EVERY preset? If not, maybe that preset is corrupt and you need to recreate it.

If it's the same in ALL presets, then it sounds like you've done all that you can do.

Open a support ticket.

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So I sent this one to Line 6 who were, it has to be said, pretty good at replying. Did they resolve it? No! The issue could be a software bug (pretty sure it is) but they've not been able to replicate it.
Well, today I did!! Sent to Line 6 again, but this time with the steps that resulted in the same issue. It seems that the culprit is a mismatch between the setlist that is saved from Helix Native and not HX Edit. What I hadn't taken into account was that I was level matching using Helix Native and then saving my setlist from there, installing that to the Stomp using HX Edit. Again, HX Edit shows the snapshot names correctly, but the stomp shows them as "1" "2" and "3" only. But it just takes one character difference from HX Edit for the whole thing to be correctly shown in the Stomp.

Very strange! Oh, and apart from the naming issue, there's no other difference.





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