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Amp channel switching through HD500x


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I'm running the POD HD500x through my Mesa Dual Rectifier stack. With the music my band plays I'm switching between very high gain amp models (podhd) to bright clean amp models (podhd) and in order to really get the punch I need for my distorted channels my Mesa has to be in a gain channel to really sound explosive (same for when I want a vintage clean tone, I would have to switch to my Mesa's clean channel). I've tried playing my clean pod tone while still in the Mesa's gain channel and it sounds very distorted and loud and vice versa trying to play high gain tones through my Mesa's clean channel and just missing so much low end and tube power. The whole reason I got the HD500x was so I wouldn't be "tap-dancing" all over the place switching between effects/tones. So, I'm curious, is there a way to make my pod switch my amp's channel all within one button? 

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well I don't have one so I pulled up the manual and it appears there is no midi control correct?  In that case, there is no way for the POD to switch your amp channels.  Amp channel switching can really only be done by midi with the POD.


I am surprised though at your setup.  Most folks I know use the 4CM to allow them to use their amp's tone with POD effects or run the POD amp sims into the FX return bypassing the amp's pre section.  From the sound of it, you are running the POD amp sims into the front of the Mesa and through the pre as well.  Not saying it's wrong, just hadn't seen others doing it that way.  Have you tried running the POD output straight into the Mesa FX return?  You won't get the distortion on your cleans and your high gains can be tweaked as needed on their own...

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