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How to balance string levels?

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Looking for advice on how to balance string levels on a JTV-69.

I understand there is a global and a per guitar model control.

Assuming one would start with getting the global setting right, what guitar model should be picked?

Any other advice on how to go about doing this would be great.



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There is no set way to do this.  And no calibration tool or utility that can just be run to optimise your own JTV.   I initially just used my ears to monitor the level and then tried recording sounds into my DAW and checking the volume levels visually in the recorded track for each string.


As you say - it's best to start with the globals first - and you probably need to listen to each of your favourite models in turn, playing each string in turn to determine whether everything is nicely balanced or whether there are particular strings that are always way louder than the others.   If there is a general pattern then you can probably just pick one model that is probably the least affected by string volume imbalance - and use that to set your GLOBAL string volumes to something that seems balanced to you.  Then double check each of the other models and tweak using the individual string volume adjustments as necessary per model.


Good luck - please share whatever way you settle on as it may help others.   Thanks.

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