Mine's not working. For the sake of accuracy I'll provide every detail I can:
When I got my Helix home and powered it up, it froze during power up. I restarted, and played for about ten minutes, before stepping out of the room for another ten minutes, and when I came back it had frozen again. It was still playable on the sound it was on, just none of the controls would respond at all. I restarted and it didn't even get to the part of the boot where the screen turns on (the scribble strips lit up and that was it). I restarted and it froze at the boot up screen. This continued several times, before I hooked up the usb cable and updated the firmware (it froze during the first attempt but it worked on the second try). When it auto-restarted, I was able to play for 1-2 minutes before it froze again. I tried many times after this to restart it only to have it freeze at various points before finishing booting up. On one of these occasions the screen turned red instead of showing the boot up screen. On one occasion I got through booting up and was able to play for about 15 seconds before it froze and the screen turned red (though a different shade this time). To summarize: half the time it fails to get to the startup screen, 40% of the time it freezes during the startup screen, 10% of the time it freezes after letting me play briefly.