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  1. Ok cool ! I just signed up on the website, I'll do that. Thank you !
  2. Hi, I use a HX Stomp for several months for professional use and I really like it. I built a external footswitch to change presets (FS4-5) and I'm using the HX Stomp in Snapshot Mode, that's great ! But... My problem : when I play in live conditions, I'm not that precise and I often step on 2 footswitches instead of the right one, so it open the bank of presets, which is really (really!) not confortable before a solo!... My question : is there a way to disable that function? I mean, keeping the control of snapshots with the footswitches but nothing else. I can't find anything in the Global settings... If not, is there a way to submit this idea to Line 6, and hoping they include it in a next firmware? By creating a petition or something like that... :) Thanks for your help! PS : "be precise" is not an valid answer ;)
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