Late to the party. Leaving this here for anyone searching for info on electric violin, which is what I play.
Firehawk is awesome. :) My favorite of all I own, including my Pod HD (which is excellent and a bit more advanced). I call FH my "shut up and play" box, because it really inspires me to just play. The HD has lots of impressive, esoteric patches. FH is more meat n' potatoes. Useable stuff.
One of the reasons I like it so much: Many guitar patches don't translate well to electric violin, which is of course smaller and higher. A lot of patches won't work outta the box. With both the bluetooth and the knobs on the front, that can be changed in about 30 seconds from start to "saved". A patch like "Day Tripper" might have a nice, thin 60s vibe on guitar. On violin it sounds like giving a root canal to The Chipmunks, it kills brain cells. :) 2 seconds messing with the app, pulling down the treble etc. and it's useable. After that, one can mess with all the parameters and really create tailored patches.... but I basically went through all the patches and 'corrected' most of them for use with electric violin. So much easier to do with the phone/bluetooth, this thing can really sound great.