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  1. THRU is exactly what I use. Otherwise no switching on the second unit in the chain happens at all. The problem is that the value sent from the DAW to the first unit goes to the second as well making it a complete nightmare to program in case you need to switch only one unit at a time. Though they're set to different channels (x3 pro to ch. 1, hd pro to ch. 2) in correspondence with midi tracks in the DAW.
  2. Don't know if it's ok to post in two threads (moderators, sorry), but will try my luck. Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the MIDI thing. Say we have two PODs (X3 Pro and HD Pro) in a band and we want the DAW to change programs/presets automatically on both units. From what I've learned I need two midi tracks in my DAW. One set to Channel 1 (X3 Pro), one set to Channel 2 (HD Pro). Corresponding channels are set in the System settings of both PODs. The routing is the following: DAW (Logic Pro X) --> USB to midi cable --> X3 Pro midi in --> X3 Pro midi out --> HD Pro midi in. Problem Markers in midi track 1 (X3 Pro) do make changes on Pod X3, but markers in track 2 (HD Pro) do nothing. The only way it works is setting HD Pro to Channel 1 as well, but then changes are made simultaneously to the same preset (1A on both with program value set to 0, for instance), which is not quite usable. Any ideas?
  3. Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the MIDI thing. Say we have two PODs (X3 Pro and HD Pro) in a band and we want the DAW to change programs/presets automatically on both units. From what I've learned I need two midi tracks in my DAW. One set to Channel 1 (X3 Pro), one set to Channel 2 (HD Pro). Corresponding channels are set in the System settings of both PODs. The routing is the following: DAW (Logic Pro X) --> USB to midi cable --> X3 Pro midi in --> X3 Pro midi out --> HD Pro midi in. Problem Markers in midi track 1 (X3 Pro) do make changes on Pod X3, but markers in track 2 (HD Pro) do nothing. The only way it works is setting HD Pro to Channel 1 as well, but then changes are made simultaneously to the same preset (1A on both with program value set to 0, for instance), which is not quite usable. Any ideas?
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