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  1. I will back you on this. I have a post going on the helix user group on Facebook and it seems most people come back with no issues using other software. I have only had one person comment they weren't having any issues in Pro tools. Everyone else is using logic or something else. I am using PT 12 and cannot go below 128. 128 is ok but lower would be better. Logic runs great at 32! I don't use logic so this is a problem. My band and I collaborate in pro tools 12 so trying to get everyone on another platform just so my workflow can improve is not doable.
  2. Someone else suggested the Scarlett mix control software to achieve what I need to so I'm going to try that. :-)
  3. Cool...thanks! I've tinkered a little with the mix control when I had the eleven rack hooked via s/pdif to the Scarlett. Got confusing but I will have to try it again with the helix. Thanks again!
  4. Thanks, I've since posted in the correct forum but thank you for taking the time to actually answer the question even though I was in the wrong area lol. POD HD/Helix, doesn't matter, the principle is the same for acting as an interface. The master volume brings up the entire mix, instead of just the armed track I am trying to record into. Was looking to be able to control the armed tracks volume. I did find a way to accomplish what I was wanting to accomplish but now dealing with the inherent latency you get from "software monitoring". I've got some workarounds at least. Just a different workflow than what I was used to with the 11r. I got spoiled.
  5. Previously I had been using an eleven rack into pro tools 11. Monitoring my input was painless and I was able to adjust the volume in the pro tools mix window and use the 11r editor to adjust the output volume to adjust the input level if that makes sense. The fader in the pro tools mix window did not affect the actual input level, only the volume. This was nice. When I switched to helix everything is monitored through the helix. Now when adjusting the fader, volume isn't affected since I'm monitoring through the helix. I'm confused. It would be great to have the same setup I had with the 11r or some alternative, which is why I brought the Scarlett into the mix. Any suggestions so I am able to easily adjust the volume of things I am monitoring? I don't even hear a change Even when I mute the track after record enable.
  6. wow, thanks. geez. Honest mistake here sorry
  7. Previously I had been using an eleven rack into pro tools 11. Monitoring my input was painless and I was able to adjust the volume in the pro tools mix window and use the 11r editor to adjust the output volume to adjust the input level if that makes sense. The fader in the pro tools mix window did not affect the actual input level, only the volume. This was nice. When I switched to helix everything is monitored through the helix. Now when adjusting the fader, volume isn't affected since I'm monitoring through the helix. I'm confused. It would be great to have the same setup I had with the 11r or some alternative, which is why I brought the Scarlett into the mix. Any suggestions so I am able to easily adjust the volume of things I am monitoring? I don't even hear a change Even when I mute the track after record enable.
  8. Great thanks guys! Will try this.
  9. The ASM only has XLR in so I am guessing I could buy an adapter if needed so I could go 1/4 to asm xlr?
  10. I know this is an old post but some new guys like myself that are trying to post new new tones can't edit any info in there to explain the patch. Unless there is a way to do this somewhere else, there is no way within the browser to edit the patch info on the website. I posted one this morning after exporting from Helix edit and had no way of putting any info in.
  11. I just purchased the asm-12 frfr to go with the helix. I am working towards making the jump to play live with the helix to frfr to FOH combo. I have always used modelers in the studio only, so I am nervous of this venture away from my traditional amp and pedalboard. I'd like to anticipate any issues ahead of time and be realistic. I play in an original hard rock band and we usually play out with 3-5 other bands on the bill and changeovers are quick. I don't always know what the FOH situation is so this makes me nervous since I've never sent anything other than a mic'ed cab from my rig to PA. Here are my thoughts on what I plan to do. Right now I'm planning on XLR out of helix to XLR input to Friedman then XLR out of the Friedman to FOH (Set to line output). I was initially concerned after reading about controlling my monitoring volume and it affecting FOH but there is a volume control on the Friedman. It's not very convenient in the back of the unit so if there is another way to independently control my volume without affecting FOH then please chime in. My other concerns are EQ. I will have my patches setup and EQ'ed to my liking only to have the house guy tell me it sounds terrible out front. Since I'm giving him an out from the frfr he's getting my EQ. Please educate me since this is new territory for me. If there is another preferred setup then I'm all for suggestions.
  12. Thank you very much....Haven't had much time on it so just trying learn everything I can. Any suggestions on a good resource for programming concepts, scenarios, etc. Maybe a particular website or youtuber? Thanks again for your help! Greg
  13. Yes, direct recording. I do have a cab in the chain though. Doesnt that take care of the mic'd part. With the amp/cab it does sound different, but both setups sound ok, although the amp/cab on a couple were sounding "boomy" if that makes sense.
  14. Maybe a silly question and personal preference but I'm curious what most people are using for patch settings when recording into your DAW. I am running a pair of Yamaha HS7 reference monitors. When setting up patches i've been toggling between using an amp or a preamp, obviously 2 different sounds. Any suggestions on best practice for creating patches for recording purposes? I'm on information overload since I received the Helix rack yesterday. I did hook it up at a rehearsal last night to a small practice amp and copied some presets and changed from "amp" to "preamp" and chose the same model. It's just when I get home to record where I wasnt sure the best method.
  15. Would love to able to travel light. I was looking at that Friedman powered monitor. Small rack and a monitor, plug in and go. My current road case is a back breaker but it sounds great lol.
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