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Everything posted by honeybearstudios

  1. The juice is worth the squeeze with GD presets. I love the ones I've purchase.
  2. Is there any reason why Line6 can't add a MIDI software to convert the guitar audio on the HELIX? There seems to be a few new G2MIDI software solutions on the market. With all the features on the HELIX, this seems like a no brainer? Would that be too much on the DSP?
  3. Considering how amazing Line6 customer service has been, the community, and the engineers... I wonder if they could get Vai to switch over. I'm not taking anything away from Fractal hardware I had a AxeFxII... but I dealt with their customer service, and execs were awful... so I returned it, and got the Helix. Vai seems to be someone who works closely with the OEMs. What a coup that would be! Especially since Sheehan is using the Helix.
  4. Super excited about HX Unity. That is great feature. Now if they could just add the Tuner to HX Edit.
  5. Same problem. It's April 13, has anyone from Line 6 gotten back to you? @davedelizza
  6. Feb 23, 2017. Had the issue. I bought a HumX, and it solved the issue. My Mac is on another outlet, Plugged it into same outlet as Helix. Did NOT work. Tried the HumX on the Mac outlet, Did NOT work. Plugged the HumX on the Helix outlet. Mac on separate outlet. FIXED. It's definitely created by the Helix. Line6 needs to address that USB, it needs some kind of update. Nothing to do with your Mac or PC.
  7. Feb 23, 2017. Had the issue. I bought a HumX, and it solved the issue. My Mac is on another outlet, tried the HumX on the Mac. Did not work. Put the HumX on the Helix outlet. Fixed. It's definitely created by the Helix. They need to address that USB, it needs some kind of update. Nothing to do with your Mac.
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