Does anyone have any real world tips to get a better distortion tone? I have read the zanzibar guides and they helped a little but I still think this thing could sound a whole lot better. Are there certain steps you're following? Do you HAVE to use dual amp mode to get a good distortion? Do you have to use an overdrive pedal instead of an amp's distortion to get a good, tight tone?
I'm looking for something in the range from Rock to 90s/Alternative, no metal. Something that is thick, gainy, lead/mid boost/punch. Think full bodied JCM900. No Scooped Mids.
Right now I go XLR (L) straight in to the board. Master Vol on board=65.
Treadplate>HiWay 4x12, 57 On Axis.
Amp Parameters: Master=66, Sag and Hum=50. Bias=100 BiasX=75
Amp EQ: Drive=40. Bass and Mid=66, Treble=varies between venues=normally=10-40, Pres.=50, Ch.Vol=50(always)
Mixer: Path A, Center +4.0db Path B=Mute
Most of my effects are split. Boost/OD in front of amp and Noise Gate is after the mixer.
My biggest complaint is that my tone is just flabby and digital sounding. I'll back off the bass and treble to get by at shows.
Are there any tips you can provide or "ah-ha" moments when you were setting your tones?