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Everything posted by craiganderton

  1. Why do old threads about old versions of my book get so many spammers?!? I'd bet money that AnnaFrost2390 is another one. (FWIW the book is at version 1.5.)
  2. Sascha Franck's reply covers what I would have said. However, there's another option. Basic PC laptops are cheap, and even small audio interfaces (e.g., what IK offers) are high quality. You could run your plugins of choice in a basic computer and as datacommando points out, connect Helix to it with Send/Return connections. Then you can have your sturdy Helix with footswitches living on the floor where it belongs, and the computer off to the side to be used as needed.
  3. You can create an attack/delay type of effect, but I suspect the ramp up time wouldn't be as long as you'd like
  4. A few ideas... Acoustically, there's a huge amount of interaction with a room, which acts as a filter. It will emphasize certain frequencies that Stomp won't emphasize on its own. So, carefully analyze the frequency response you hear acoustically that you like, and try to nail those same characteristics with the parametric EQ. A room also acts like a complex delay line that's heavy on the early reflections. Of course, a live venue will add its own reflections, but it may be that some very short delays (e.g., the ambience block) would supplement the reflections that the venue is adding. Because of this interaction with your room environment, when you move your head even the slightest bit you're experiencing stereo phase and level changes. It's hard to fake this with a guitar processor but subtle chorusing at a very slow speed can help the guitar seem more "alive." Some pickups have resonances that bring out weird midrange frequencies. Frankly the notch response on the Helix parametric isn't that great, but try creating as narrow a midrange notch as possible, and sweep it slowly in the midrange to see if that helps even out the sound more. Good luck! Hope this helps.
  5. Can a moderator please ban Vladllen 1054, it's a spammer.
  6. Vladllen1054 is clearly a spammer, and seems likely to be associated with some kind of online casino thing. Could a moderator please delete this thread, since it's obsolete anyway - the current book version is 1.5.
  7. FYI this is an old thread. The latest version is 1.5, and yes, it's a free update :)
  8. Excellent point. BTW for those who can't deal with Device Manager, it's often the case that the USB connection closest to the power supply will be the best option, and USB connections on the front panel are the worst option. That's not always true, but is most of the time.
  9. The main way I use four signal paths is for multiband processing. This involves splitting the incoming audio into three or four frequency bands so that you can optimize amps, cabs, and effects for specific frequency ranges. Ultimately, they end up as stereo, but with lots of imaging and placement options. If you want more information on multiband processing, see Chapter 9 in The Big Book of Helix Tips and Tricks. The more you work with Helix Native, the more you'll be amazed at what it can do :)
  10. Absolutely, and I'd also suggest trying it with other instruments. You can do some amazing effects with vocals, drums, synths, etc. I feel Helix Native is underrated as a general-purpose plugin.
  11. Okay, it's officially out. Here's the link for the landing page. The book now has 551 pages and over 330 presets that showcase the techniques described in the book. Most are HX Stomp compatible. As always, there's a support email given in the book if you have questions, something isn't clear, or you have suggestions for future versions. Quite a few of the additions are a direct result of user feedback (thank you!).
  12. Unfortunately, that's what makes the free updates possible. As I understand it, apparently when the system was set up, it was a real challenge to have it "sell" something for $0.00. The workaround was to reference the sale of your original purchase. Even if Sweetwater had charged $0.01 for the update to get around the $0.00 problem, it would still have needed to reference the original purchase since free updates are available only to people who have bought the book (regardless of which version they bought).
  13. Hmmm...I haven't been told it is, and I don't see it on the site yet. But I sent them the book a couple weeks ago, so if it's not up now, it will be soon!
  14. I'm running into more and more programs, like web browsers, that require macOS 11 (Big Sur) or higher. That was the first macOS to support ARM processors, so the implication is that if you're a Mac user and not running Apple Slicon, Apple wants you to buy a new computer. And since there's such a push to force encourage people to buy a new computer, there's not much incentive for companies to update older software for an ever-diminishing user base. Do I like that? No, nor do I like that Apple promised FireWire devices could always work with Thunderbolt adapters. But if the OS doesn't support FireWire, it doesn't matter if the hardware does. With music industry companies like Line 6, if Apple or Microsoft sneezes, Line 6 catches a cold. Remember all those emails from companies a few months back, urging users not to update yet to the latest macOS because the companies needed to test and patch their plugins? It happens a lot, and that's time not spent on developing new products, providing support, or giving their employees raises. Just sayin.' /rant
  15. I think it's highly unlikely that Line 6 would reveal any unique, "special sauce" features that would tip off the competition as to what was coming next.
  16. Well...maybe there's a solution, but my sense is that ARM Windows has still too new. It has few native applications, and drivers may need to be re-written to be compatible. It's like when Apple Silicon came out, and ReWire died because its library wasn't compatible with Apple Silicon and Propellerheads didn't think it was worth the effort to re-write it. I took a serious look at getting an ARM laptop but most everything I'd want to run would have to run under emulation. They're fantastic machines for running native apps (Adobe, Office, etc.) all day with high speed and excellent battery life. But for DAWs and music software in general, I think it may be a while before ARM is ready for prime time. Sorry...I hope I'm wrong!!!
  17. Thank you for mentioning the book! I'm working on an update that covers the 3.80 firmware. It will be free to anyone who owns a previous version of the book. There's no ETA yet. The backstory on the book was that I simply wanted to write something that explained what the parameters did for the various effects...but then the book took on a life of its own, and ended up having major scope creep :)
  18. Don't give up yet... I may be missing something, but I think there are some possible workarounds. The simplest is to feed the Helix S/PDIF output into an audio interface with a S/PDIF input. Then the Helix will show up as an input to your interface and transfer audio digitally. Note that in that case, the Helix becomes the master clock so the interface needs to sync it. If the interface doesn't have S/PDIF, then go old-school and connect the Helix analog outs to your interface. Granted, it's comforting to stay in the digital domain, but a preset with distortion and effects processing almost certainly won't have any degradation you can hear compared to going in digitally. Also, it's not well known that Windows can do audio interface aggregation (for at least as long as I can remember). The catch is you need to use Windows' native drivers, which have had a checkered history. MME drivers are useless for audio because of their latency, but the Helix drivers can do WDM. I'm not sure if it's WDM/KS (kernel streaming) which is almost as good as ASIO, but if your interface can also use one of the lower-latency Windows drivers (like WaveRT or WASAPI), then you should be able to aggregate them using Windows native audio instead of ASIO. The latency won't be as good as macOS but depending on the drivers, it can come close. Another option is to run Helix as a WDM interface, run your main interface with ASIO, and use a virtual cable to connect the Windows audio output from Helix to the interface's ASIO audio input. I think VB-CABLE might do the job, it's a free download so you can check it out. I hope one of these helps. Unless you have needs I'm not taking into account, I think running S/PDIF or audio outputs into an existing ASIO interface would be the simplest option.
  19. craiganderton


    I like LFOs and envelopes, but there are effects with LFOs and envelope followers, so I assume you have some other application for these types of modulators in mind. If what you want is a synth-like matrix modulation architecture, that would be cool but I don't know how easy it would be to shoehorn that into an architecture that wasn't designed to do matrix modulation. But maybe that's not what you mean. For guitar, I use the Helix almost exclusively for multiband applications. In that context, the more amps, the better. The amp sound is more defined and distinctive because there's so much less intermodulation distortion. Under those conditions, you can really hear the significant differences between amps, especially when they interact with each other and you change the bias/sag/ripple parameters. Pulling drive back to get clean sounds also highlights the differences. Of course, if you put wideband audio through a single high-gain amp and turn up drive, that blurs the differences quite a bit. But, Helix is flexible enough that I don't need to do that. I can create "Frankenamps" with an AC30 and drive pulled back for the high end, WhoWatt for the upper mids, Mandarin for the lower mids, and German Mahadeva for the lows. Each amp has a distinct individual sound that contributes to the overall mixed/collective sound, as well as a stereo image. If I want to modulate parameters with LFOs and envelope followers, although the following isn't applicable to live performance, at least I can do that in a DAW using MIDI controllers. Several DAWs allow creating periodic modulation envelopes, which you can stretch and shape. [On a completely different topic, since you sound like you're into modulation, you might want to check out Bitwig if you haven't already. It's more like a modular synth than a DAW, where anything can modulate anything. It's pretty cool. It also supports the DAWproject format, so you can start a project in Bitwig and then import it into Cubase or Studio One.]
  20. craiganderton


    Well, they just did update the current generation of devices. If you look back over the update history, some have been major and some have been minor, and they happen at different intervals. They can't do something like the cab revamp with every update. As to whether there will be another update, and whether it will be major or minor, no one here knows. But Line 6 may not even know. Some of the past updates seem like someone figured out something they hadn't figured out before, or assumed wasn't possible until they found out it was. Or they may be developing a new flagship model, and in the process, discover a technique that could apply to Helix that they'd never considered. For all we know the new amps are the result of research into something else entirely...or not. So I think it's unlikely (but not impossible) Line 6 will make a statement like "massive amazing update coming up" or "okay, that's it, no more updates" because the Helix's history so far has included different types of updates at different intervals. Let's also zoom out and look at what's going on in the industry these days. Industry changes, which happen quickly, necessitate changes in strategy. I have no idea whether any or all of the following affects Line 6, but it sure is affecting a lot of other companies: There are lingering supply chain issues that complicate planning. All you need is one missing proprietary part to screw up a production line. There's an overabundance of used gear. People who bought gear during covid because they thought it would be fun to make music now realize that music is a discipline and no, just pushing buttons isn't very satisfying. So currently, there's a glut of used gear on the market. Because of the glut of used gear, manufacturers and dealers are finding it difficult to sell new gear. This provides little incentive to launch new products when there's already too much product in the marketplace. There's a threat of major tariffs being levied on Chinese goods. Companies have to decide whether to tie up a significant amount of capital now on Chinese parts that they don't need (yet) to (maybe) forestall paying a lot more starting in January. And of course, that requires really accurate projections of what the market will be in the future for parts currently sitting on their shelves gathering dust.
  21. Some USB cables do not include data lines, only power lines for charging and operating from USB. I'm 99.99999% sure you don't need an original Line 6 cable, you just need a high-quality USB cable that's designed to handle data and power. USB cable quality varies considerably. A generic one might simply be not that good. Remember too that USB cables, even the good ones, are not immune from going bad due to being bent, stepped on, pulled out by the wire instead of the connector, etc. Also, the USB port you use on your computer matters so when testing, always make sure you're using the same port. The front-panel USB ports are often on a different controller with lower specs than the ports that are closer to the power supply. And of course, never use a USB hub. Hope this helps!
  22. craiganderton


    I certainly do consider what Line 6 has done: 10-year-old technology (based on the even older technology available during development) has received multiple updates, including two that I consider truly major - global oversampling and reworked cabs. The reworked cabs update was only two years ago. And you have the massively improved pitch transposition, feedback effect, and significant new effects like the auto level control dynamics. It's easy to forget that snapshots, impulse responses, favorites, and other useful features we take for granted now were updates as well. As far as I'm concerned, Line 6 delivered on their promise of a platform, not just an effects processor, with multiple significant updates over the course of a 10-year product life. That's rare, and all the updates were free, too. I can think of very few companies with a similar track record. I don't judge a product by what it doesn't do as much as I judge it by what it does.
  23. Try Native on vocals. You can get unique sounds you can't get with other vocal-oriented software. I also use Native with synths, drums, strings, brass, and piano. Native has effects that other plugins don't offer, especially the delays and reverbs. Some of the dynamics are cool too, like the automatic level control. I understand why Line 6 doesn't push the "you can use it on other stuff" angle, but I have a setlist in my computer called "Not Guitar" that gets a lot of use.
  24. I also should have mentioned there's contact info in the book for suggestions and comments. So if the book doesn't include something you want to see, or if something isn't clear, let me know and there's a good chance the next update will accommodate what you want. Many changes in the updates are the direct result of reader feedback. Some readers have even been kind enough to point out the occasional typo so I could fix it.
  25. And we can never say it enough, right? LOL I liked the original POD. When I first tried the 2nd gen POD, it sounded horrible. I wondered how Line 6 could have lost the recipe so badly. Then I remembered I had dialed back drive to about 60% on the original POD because I use thick strings and a thumbpick. Dialing back drive on the 2nd gen one made it sound wonderful :)
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