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Hi community I really need your advice on this one, I downloaded a DarkThrone preset by Francie Fraser some time ago, I think back in 2019. I recently changed my PC, so I reinstalled everything, the DAW, Helix and other stuff, When I tried to import presets I get the following error; The issue is that I relly need this one and I can not afford to lose it that easily. I decided to review the components but I do not really know the best replacements for some of the "models" I used the to have a better understanding of what I do not have, for instance the "Heavy dist pedal" is not available Which pedal should I use to replace it? With regard to the Brit Trem Jump I think can be replaced by Brit Plexi Jump? Please find attached the Darkthrone.hlx file. Everything else seems to be reproduceable. Thank you very much! Flow 1 input Split Y Vermin Dist Heavy Dist Simple EQ { "version":6, "schema":"L6Preset", "meta":{ "premium":0, "pbn":0, "original":0 }, "data":{ "tone":{ "snapshot6":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 7", "blocks":{ "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true }, "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block5":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true } } }, "snapshot5":{ "@tempo":20, "@ledcolor":0, "@pedalstate":2, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 6", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true } } }, "snapshot3":{ "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@tempo":20, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 4", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true }, "dsp1":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block4":true, 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"@position":0, "@stereo":false, "@enabled":true, "@path":0 }, "inputB":{ "decay":0.5, "@input":0, "noiseGate":false, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow2Input", "threshold":-48 } }, "snapshot0":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":true, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 1", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block4":true, "block3":true, "block1":true, "block2":true, "split":true } } } }, "meta":{ "tnid":4328936, "band":"Darkthrone", "modifieddate":1552787657, "build_sha":"35792af", "appversion":40894464, "name":"Darkthrone", "author":"FrancieFraser", "application":"HX Edit", "song":"Earths last picture" }, "device_version":40894464, "device":2162692 } } Darkthrone.hlx
Is it possible to run my guitar through a distortion pedal, through the KB37? I know the KB37 has a line in, but I don’t want to ruin it. Any help is appreciated
- pod farm 2
- distortion pedal
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Hi i've got a spider jam and i am a big satch fan. I was thinking about buying the vox satchurator or vox ice 9 overdrive pedals to give me the extra tone i want however i am weary about buying one, due to a common thought that distortion pedals sound rubbish in front of moddling amps. Would these pedals sound any good or if not any other sugestions Thanks, Danny
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- distortion pedal
- vox satchurator
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