Hi. I am new to Mobile POD and only got real experiences from Apps like JamUp, ToneStack, AmpKit.
So far I use a App called iFile Organizer to play along over audio-tracks from my bandmates. iFile Organizer offers the ability to loop parts of a song and lets you decide the tempo up- and downwards.
As the Mobile POD App offers similar features I thought about using these when jamming, but there is a big disadvantage, which seems to be the "import possibilities".
Regardless to what other App I refer, all those others can be feed by using the "open in...", "Import to...", "send to..." feature of the cloud-services like iCloud, Drive and Dropbox where Mobile POD only seems to support the iTunes library as a source for imports into it's setlist.
But this library itself can only be feed by purchasing tracks or syncing the music in your iTunes-Desktop library.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
How do you import playalong tracks into a music-setlist of Mobile POD?