OR do you think they are saving the goodies for one giant update around NAMM?
I know some get grilled for asking questions like these, but it's been almost 3 months sine the last update. So I think it's a fair curiosity.
I personally would like to see, more than anything, some signal metering input/output & at least a clip indicator on each block in the chain. That is definitely my number 1! Plenty of Ideascale submissions on this.
Next in the list would be the expansion of HX reverbs. I think the last update fixed the mono versions wet not being wet enough issue. But I am not sure on that, as I am still on 2.50.
I would also love to see more parameters in the HX cabs. Specifically off axis mic positioning. That would be really cool.
As far as Amps, I would say the XTC, and more Engl. Other than that I would want more Line6 originals.
I realize that the next update will not include all of this. Though hopefully some of this will be, especially my #1.
What do you guys think? What would you like to see?