Hey there. I tried searching around for a topic that might help me resolve the issues I seem to be having,but everything I have tried seems to be failing. Im using Reaper with my UX2.I have a Seinheisse E825 S running in with an XLR using either Gearbox or PodFarm I was trying to run the channel in dry,as I want it sound as natural as possible as I have it mic'd up to my HD147,but when I record,the volume seems to be incredibly low on playback. Can anyone tell me if I might be doing something worng? I also seem to get latency issues through my headphones when playing. Im completely stumped,but if any other info is needed to help me get up and running (I'm kinda new to this,so I could even be wrong with some of the terminology Im using) I can provide it,and I'd be grateful for any help