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  1. Q: If the Line 6 digital wireless systems can accommodate an active bass guitar, will I lose any low end? A: The Line 6 digital wireless system will work great with active and passive electronics. Line 6 digital wireless systems do not compand (compress then expand) the broadcast signal like analog systems do, so there is no loss of low end. Line 6 systems simply allow the instruments true signal (whether hot or mild) to pass through to the amp. The frequency range for Line 6 systems goes down to 10Hz, allowing for amazing lows when tuning down or using a bass with a low B string. Q: How do I connect to a “full frequency” output on my Line 6 digital wireless system? A: You can access full frequency output by connecting the receiver output cable to the first ring of the TRS output jack. Ideally, this would be done with a special cable (insert cables (a type of “Y” cable) are a great choice and have ¼ TRS on one end and two separate ¼ mono cables on the other end). This also allows you to split the signal by connecting your receiver to two different signal paths (a great way to get a “tuner out” feed or go to a separate amplifier, recording device or mixer). In a pinch, you can access the ring output by plugging a mono ¼” cable half way in though we don’t recommend this for performance applications due to the cable not being fully engaged into the jack socket. Q: Why isn’t “full frequency” the default output choice? A: A standard ¼” instrument cable gently rolls off the high frequencies around 8 KHz. This is due to the capacitance of the wire and is a scenario that most musicians have grown used to. As the criteria for Line 6 digital wireless is to simply replace the cable, we chose to mimic the performance of a direct wire connection. Since we eliminate several feet of cable (and its associated capacitance), the net result was a system that performed exactly as if a musician was plugged in with a three foot patch cord, resulting in a noticeably clearer and brighter high frequency response. In order to not turn off musicians with increased high frequency response, we added the capacitance back into the signal path so that the end result was “cable gone – sound identical”. However, we really loved the increased high frequency response. Why? 1. More clarity and articulation (the reason for new strings when we record or gig, right?) 2. Phase coherency: If you boost the highs on your amp (or FX devices) you are actually adding a complex phase shift to your signal. With the Line 6 digital wireless system, you get more clarity with complete phase coherency (no phase shifting) and this really makes a big difference. 3. No boost in hiss or noise floor: Again, when you increase the highs on your amp (or FX devices), you also get an increase in hiss and noise. With the Line 6 digital wireless system, you get all of the clarity for free, meaning that there is no increase in hiss and noise (and again, no phase shift). Full bandwidth is available full time on the XLR output (as it should). Q: Would this work with a lav or headset microphone for videographer applications? A: Technically, yes. However, the frequency response of the receiver is tailored to musical instruments (10Hz – 12 KHz in full-bandwidth mode) meaning that for microphone applications, there may not be enough high frequency content when using the portable XDR1 stompbox receiver. Additionally, to access the full-bandwidth, the operator will need to utilize an insert cable (TRS to dual ¼ mono) or custom wired cable that connects the first ring of a TRS cable to the input of the next component/camera. Q: Can my XDT1/XDT4 transmitter provide phantom power to my condenser mic? A: Only the XDT4 transmitter can provide phantom power to a condenser microphone. It provides ~9v bias voltage at the tip for use with lavaliere microphones. Q: Can I connect the XLR output of my XDR4 Receiver into a mixing board with global phantom power? A: Yes, there is a resistor to protect the XDR4 Receiver from being damaged by phantom power voltage, but it is not guaranteed. Some older mixing boards from the 70's could in theory overwhelm the device depending on just how much phantom power is supplied. Q: Can I use multiple receivers with the same transmitter? A: Yes, as long as the receivers are set to the same channel and mode that the transmitter is set to. Q: Can I use multiple transmitters with the same receiver? A: You cannot use multiple transmitters AT THE SAME TIME with the same receiver as that could cause interference with each other. You can use more than one transmitter with a receiver, but only one transmitter can be powered on at a time. - Do keep the antenna clear of obstructions as much as possible - Do keep line-of-sight for maximum range - Don’t place operating transmitters near the receivers (within 3 – 5 feet). This will potentially overload the internal RF amplifiers of the receiver units and cause limited range. Practical Operating Tips For multiple users, Do consider the best placement of receivers for optimal performance. Avoid having one performer with a bodypack transmitter “ON” stand in front of a rack of receivers. This will limit the overall operating range of the furthest performer(s). One example might be a rack of receivers at the monitor position and performers often stand right next to the rack of receivers. This can become an issue the more channels you are operating. Quite often, one of the artists is also the sound person. Rather, place the receivers at a location that allows the freedom of artist/engineer movement without having “ON” transmitters get within 3-5 feet. Operating Modes It is important to have the components operating in XDR mode for optimum performance. XDR mode is the proprietary “anti-jamming” RF mode that utilizes a dual digital broadcast. To confirm that the XDR4 rackmount receiver is in XDR mode, make certain that the “MODE” LED is glowing green. If it is not, power off the receiver and power it back on while holding the “CHANNEL DOWN” button. The XDT4 transmitter should also be in XDR mode. This can be confirmed by powering on the transmitter and watching the LED power on sequence. If all LEDs glow BLUE and then a single RED LED moves through in a LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT pattern settling into Battery/Channel mode then you are certain that this transmitter is in XDR mode. If the LEDs glow BLUE and then expand out from the center LED (BLUE then RED) before settling into Battery/Channel mode then this transmitter is in XDS mode. To change modes on the transmitter, power off the unit and power it on while holding the “CHANNEL” button. Monitor the LED sequence to confirm mode. Another simple way to confirm transmitter operating mode is to monitor the color of the LEDs when audio signal is present. If the LEDs display audio in BLUE you can be certain that the transmitter is in XDR mode. If however, the audio display is in RED then you will need to change to mode. XDR mode works incredibly well. If your systems are operating in XDS mode then you will enjoy a great enhancement of overall system performance by switching back to the XDR mode. Q: What is the maximum AC signal input voltage that the transmitter can handle? A: It will accommodate a very large signal (about 6V peak to peak) without any clipping. We have had users with active pickups using (2) 9V batteries with no problems. The dual 9V's usually allow the circuitry for the pickup to operate without degradation while the batteries discharge. It is not actually outputting 9V it is more like +-5V peak at most. Otherwise the unit would distort as the battery dies.
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