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HD Edit and Amp Mixer Sound Issue


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Just updated my HD500X last night to new Firmware and installed the Vintage pack!  I have  a question, i don't use HD edit that often because i like to turn the knobs myself, but last night after firmware, all my amps sounded really bad.  So i started a new patch and added the Pete Anderson custom.  Thru my headphones the sound was pretty decent but i could hear crackling and distortion like it was over wasn't until i went into the mixer in HD Edit and started turning the "Pan" knobs...all of a sudden the amp came alive!  


Here is my question(s):

I would think that keeping the amp paths A & B at center would get me the most bang for my buck...but when i would pan one of them to the left or right all of a sudden the amp became very dynamic.  Shouldn't at center it be the most dynamic?  Is this just a firmware issue?


Should i have let the firmware overwrite all my settings then reload my backed up bundle?  I've been noticing my existing patches sound really bad :( i know that is an issue when updating firmware...but these are really bad sounding now.


Does any of that make sense?

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Yeah so i tried reloading firmware, same thing is happening. When my Amps in the mixer are set to "Center" they sound VERY BAD! but if i Pan them hard left or right the sound fine...however i found another issue that might just be a user error...but when I'm running dual amps one panned hard left and the other right...shouldn't i be hearing in the headphones that separation?


If i turn one amp off i hear the other amp in both ears...not just on the left or the right.  Am i just doing something wrong?

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Are your headphones plugged in all the way? You can get behavior like that with headphones plugged in partway....If you have an adapter make sure everything is snug....Next isolate the issue...Try another set of headphones...


You might be hearing bypass want to be sure that this is turned all the way down....Select the amp model, double click enter to get to the amp tone stack enter to disable the amp...should change to bypass volume interface....If you toggle dual amp models, you gotta kill that bypass volume...

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Are your headphones plugged in all the way? You can get behavior like that with headphones plugged in partway....If you have an adapter make sure everything is snug....Next isolate the issue...Try another set of headphones...


You might be hearing bypass want to be sure that this is turned all the way down....Select the amp model, double click enter to get to the amp tone stack enter to disable the amp...should change to bypass volume interface....If you toggle dual amp models, you gotta kill that bypass volume...

So bypass volume interface shows up after you disable the amp?  Can this be done thru HD Edit? 

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using a mono effect after the mixer makes everything mono.

we want effects packs with all the current mono effects as stereo.

the monos are a major cause for the whole routing mess. there shouldnt be any mono effects in the HD series.

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So bypass volume interface shows up after you disable the amp?  Can this be done thru HD Edit? 


Yes indeed...Select the Amp Button on the patch and turn it off...The Channel Volume turns into the Bypass Volume...This is a Per Patch Setting...


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using a mono effect after the mixer makes everything mono.

we want effects packs with all the current mono effects as stereo.

the monos are a major cause for the whole routing mess. there shouldn't be any mono effects in the HD series.

stereo effects will double the DSP needed.. the simple work around, and basically same thing DSP wise, woudl be to add 2 monos on the a and b outs from the amp before the mixer. people forget you can add things there as well

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