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Helix and DT25 - lost channel A?


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Recently I hooked up the Helix to a DT25 amp using the L6 Link, and I've lost the ability to select topology in Channel A, thus rendering it useless.  It currently has no topology light on it to select. No matter what preset I select on the Helix (template, factory or user), I can't get Channel A to activate.  


Any suggestions on how to recover?

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Recently I hooked up the Helix to a DT25 amp using the L6 Link, and I've lost the ability to select topology in Channel A, thus rendering it useless.  It currently has no topology light on it to select. No matter what preset I select on the Helix (template, factory or user), I can't get Channel A to activate.


Is this only when connected?  Does everything work again when you disconnect?  Are you only using L6 link or are you using midi as well?  It is normal for the topology lights to go out when using Helix with L6 link to the DT.  It's not right, but it's normal. 


What do you mean Channel A went away?  Without a midi connection along with the L6 link, the helix will not configure the DT.  Your physical knobs on the DT are still active but have no relation to the Helix settings.  If your DT channel volume or drive is at zero there will be no sound.  If you want to disable the DT internal amp models and controls you need to add the midi commands from the Helix.

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Thanks for the reply - you answered my question even with the little information I gave!


As you mentioned, the topology lights are out and unselectable when the Helix is plugged in via L6 Link only. They work fine when the Helix is not plugged in. However, the key part to this is configuring the amp settings by connecting a MIDI cable. By using the instructions for the v2.0 firmware update, I was able to set up Channel A using the Helix's Command Center and change models across patches as needed.


Adding a MIDI cable and going through the setup steps made a world of difference. The topology lights being unlit threw me, but after working through the parameters I've got a system that is responding the way it should, and then some.


Thanks again for the reply - getting a second opinion helped solve the problem.

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