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Want to mix w/POD Farm without having to carry around my X3 Live


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Hey guys,


So I'm using the POD X3 Live the last couple of years. I run it into my Macbook with its USB out, and most of the time I get my guitar tones with POD Farm 2, which was included with the X3 Live. After the recording session is done and the guitars are put away, I can mix, change amps, cabs effects etc virtually within POD Farm 2. Brilliant and convenient. 


My main issue with this? I have to have my POD X3 Live connected to the laptop at ALL TIMES in order to Authorize full use of POD Farm 2. This is because the License is contained within the actual POD X3 Live unit, and when its connected it activates the full version of POD Farm.


I have the Line 6 License Manager and my laptop is an Authorized device... Which I assume should allow me full access to my software and not just the trial version. This is very frustrating if I am in the middle of mixing something and have to leave, as I want to be able to take the laptop with me and mix on the go when traveling. I shouldn't have to plug in and power up my X3 Live unit any time I want to change a few tones within POD Farm.


I have tried a few different methods and DAWs, Logic, GarageBand and even Audacity as a test. They all register POD Farm as a plugin, but once I try to use it, its back to the trial version... Until I take the X3 Live out of its case, plug it in, hook it up and I'm back to having my full version.


Can any of you kind folk at Line 6 help me out with this issue? I've been scouring the Internet for hours looking for a solution :(


All the best,



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The solution would be to purchase (yes, purchase) the hardware independent version of Pod Farm 2. The license you have is, as you know, included with and tied to the X3 hardware. That's how Line 6 manages Pod Farm licenses other than the hardware independent version. The Pod Farm software is free to download - anyone can do it. But the bundled (hardware dependent) version will only operate with a licensed device connected.

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Thanks for the quick reply Silverhead!


I think it would be fairly silly of me to go ahead and purchase software that I already have; POD Farm inclusion was one of the reasons I went for the X3 Live when it came out. Line 6 are airtight in fairness, and why wouldn't they be? All the software cracks and torrents going around surely cost companies millions.


I wonder is there a way to transfer the license "file" (?) from the X3 to the laptop, or an iLok type device? My apologies if that's a stupid question, but I'm not very tech savvy. The main confusion here is that my laptop appears to be an authorized Line 6 device in the License Manager, I'll upload a screenshot below to show you what I mean.


Thanks again!



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If memory serves this was brought up before with a different device (UX2 - IIRC) and it was a no. The answer being was the UX2 acts as the authorization dongle for PF. PF2 is a self standing product. I can't see how the X3 would be any different. You can try and use PF1 (well no add-ons unless you bought them) in a pinch.


But if it works let us know. I could buy a dead X3 and transfer the PF license. <- forgot the j/k part btw :)

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Hi there BillBee and thank you silverhead for the information. I've opened up a Support ticket and dropped an email to the Line 6 folks. I should hear back within three business days, so I'll let you know how it goes!


Thanks again!



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