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dual gates on a single path?


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Might buy a Helix, but I'm curious - can you place two gates on a single path?  I know I could do it with 2 paths, but just wondering.  One noise gate would be early in the chain to cut high-gain noise, one would be further down the chain to give me a hard staccato during palm muting.


Not a make-or-break thing, just curious if you can put more than one instance of an effect on a single path.

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Yep... You can put as many as you want, actually. There is a limit as to how many blocks you can use in total, and there's a DSP limit, but there's no limitation as to how many instances of a certain effect you can use.


Also, as far as noise gates go, there is a gate each input block that can be turned on, so you actually won't necessarily need to use two actual blocks. You could turn the one in the input block on and have another one further down the signal chain.

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One noise gate would be early in the chain to cut high-gain noise, one would be further down the chain to give me a hard staccato during palm muting.

This is exactly how I set up my High Gain tone in both the pods and in my helix. Only with the helix since there is that input gate I use that for the normal hum you get and have the hard gate after my overdrive and compressor for the tight chugga

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I've used an additional gate later in the chain sometimes too.


It made me wish that the gate block could be set to trigger from the Helix input signal rather than the block input signal - the gate later in the chain can chop a bit too much away for my tastes.  (or maybe Helix can already do this and I didn't notice).  I think my old Digitech GSP1101 used to be able to do that and it worked better.

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