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Audio From Hd500x Via Usb Is Distorted


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I'm using OSX and an HD500X upgraded to the latest firmware. 


When using garageband with the HD500X connected via USB, the sound quality is terrible. It is distorted badly compared to plugging headphones directly into the HD500X. 


I've lowered the OS X input level in system utilities to make sure I'm not clipping.


I'm using garageband for monitoring and master and track levels are correct.


I've also made sure I'm using a "real instrument" and not adding anything to the audio. So checked all the obvious stuff.


I owned an HD500 before the 500X and there was a known issue with audio via USB where it was unusable because of noise on the input. Something about a chipset conflict or incompatibility. I ended up having to use analog out from the HD500. So I'm wondering if this is the same issue with the HD500X that is still unresolved?


Anyone else having this same issue or have any insights to share?





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I don't think much has changed internally except the processor... so perhaps its a lingering issue...

i've not heard of the issue myself... 

and i actually have the 500 and the pro x and use them both on OSX (latest snow mountain ostrich or whatever they call it)

never had the issue...

have you tried changing the digital input sample rate? i know that sometimes toggling 44.1/48 has solved issues.

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I heard the same thing the other day with my 400! I wrote it off to something that changed after my OSX upgrade a couple months back (forced by Logic X) and figured I'd work on it another day. I either use analog to match/double something from a live recording (analog) or use the DAW built in and record guitar dry. But it sounds like I'm not the only one...


I saw an update from apple this week I think so may give it another shot this weekend. Maybe we need new drivers from Line 6 for latest OSX revs? In the meantime I will see if I can try sample rate suggestion. Thanks.

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I unloaded the current drivers and downloaded the most recent ones from Line6 (says they support 10.9).  Then, I spent some time with that Audio Midi Setup app buried down in Applications->Utilities, setting input and output levels.  I don't hear the distortion I had before, but it's still a tiny bit different in the phones (plugged into the POD) when I fire up Logic with the HD as the interface, vs. completely unplugged from the MacBook.  But, that's not really new.  I could live with it, but like I said, I either use it analog, or if I want to play with guitar sounds in recorded tracks, use what Logic brings and plug in through a straight interface.


I know the HD is supposed to be 48KHz native, but I could not set the value to anything other than 44.1 in the Audio-Midi Setup app, so that didn't get me anywhere.

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if i recall correctly that setting is elsewhere in syspref not the line6 app.

don't recall specifics though.


I know the HD is supposed to be 48KHz native, but I could not set the value to anything other than 44.1 in the Audio-Midi Setup app, so that didn't get me anywhere.

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I know the HD is supposed to be 48KHz native, but I could not set the value to anything other than 44.1 in the Audio-Midi Setup app, so that didn't get me anywhere.


For Logic (and pretty much all other recording apps) you want to always change the sample rate within the app itself rather than in the Audio MIDI Setup window, unless the recording app does not offer these options itself. In Logic you do this in File > Projects > Audio. You can use 44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96khz with any POD HD and it supports these rates without re-sampling. You'll also want to go into Logic's Preferences > Audio and check the 24 Bit box for 24 bit recording (in the Devices tab, where it should also be set to use your POD HD as the CoreAudio device).


Also worth noting, GarageBand ONLY supports 44.1khz sample rate, so there is nowhere in GBand that you can change this sample rate - and if you try changing the rate in the Mac Audio MIDI Setup window, it will simply flip back to 44.1 when you go back to GBand.


Hope that helps! My older HD Pro works great with Logic Pro 9.

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