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M20D Freezes on power up

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I've just bought a new M20D. On very first power up the screen locked up. I power recycled and the system booted up correctly. However, it still periodically locks up on power up.


Initially I was able to use the multi-track record function, writing to a USB. But now the system won't read any USB I plug in  - I can't create a folder or start a recording session.


This is a brand new system - Line 6 what is the issue as this seems to have been a problem with the system since you first released it.


I running v1.20 firmware so according to the web site the latest [sic] version.





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That is bad news.

Unfortunately this is a User Forum (despite it being found in the Support area of the site) and Line 6 do not regularly respond here.

For a new purchase that has functional problems you should raise a support ticket and if that gets you nowhere then you may need to return it.

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