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Maybe selling the 500X. What about addons?


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I'm about to sell my trusty 500x. Haven't used it so much since I bought the Helix.

The HD Pack-addon I bought, is that now a part of the 500x or is it part of my account here at Line 6?

Does it follow the unit so that when the buyer connects with computer it will still be available for him?

I hope you understand my question.


Best regards



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The HD add-ons are part of your account and ownership does not transfer when you sell it.


Having said that, the add-ons are embedded in the HD500X firmware (not downloaded when purchased) and were 'unlocked' in the firmware when you purchased them and ran the Line 6 License Manager to activate them. They are now available in your HD500X firmware and will continue to be available to the new owner, including when using POD HD500X Edit. I believe the point at which they would become unavailable is when and if the new owner runs the Line 6 License Manager with the HD500X connected and logged into their account. This will detect that he/she has no license for them and locks them out again on the device firmware.


I think some research will tell you if and how you could transfer add-on ownership to the new owner.

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It is part of your account. Not part of the machine. 






You can 'gift' it to the new buyer - but he will not be able to re-gift it when he sells it. It will be his forever. 


However - It is currently on the machine. It will remain on the machine until he hooks it up to the computer and runs [I forget what]. 

So, in theory, you can sell it with the packs turned on but not gifted, and the new buyer may never lose them. 







Once upon a time, the site let you know that someone posted while you were typing, that way you aren't repeating the information. Apparently, that doesn't happen anymore. 


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