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GT10II cutting in and out on PGW


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I am having issues with my GT10 transmitter cutting in and out. I noticed this pretty quickly out of the box. I got the PGW for Christmas a couple weeks ago. At first I thought it was because I was sitting in my room and playing next to a big wooden bureau, and that somehow interfered with the signal (even though I still had clear LOS from the transmitter to the box). It would pretty frequently skip or cut out altogether from tiny movements. Like moving my guitar around in my chair slightly. I was having the same issue using my strat and my les Paul so i know it’s not the guitar. 


Then I noticed that it was doing the same thing, albeit less frequently, when I was playing on stage with my church band. There would be an occasional skip where the audio would cut out from the guitar. It is only happening periodically, and for less than probably a half second, but it is enough to be noticeable and very distracting. Using a traditional cable made it go away. I hardly move around at all and stay within about 5’ of the PGW while playing. Here’s a description of our stage/band setup: we have a drum kit, 2-3 singers, an acoustic guitar, a second electric guitar, a keys player, a piano player, and a base guitarist. We all use wireless earbud packs and the singers have wireless mics. There are no routers anywhere near the stage. I’ve never played with wireless before, so I don’t really know what to expect. However, it seems to me from the reviews and everything I’ve read on the pod go wireless that this performance is pretty sub par and not normal. Is there something I’m missing? Or is my unit defective? 


Bonus question: I noticed today that when switching between presets (not snapshots, whole presets), despite having the volume rocker all the way down, the system seemed to ignore that and would still play at full volume. I had to push the pedal up and then back down to get it to work properly. I did not inadvertently activate the wah, although that is pretty easy to do with how light the expression pedal is. Anything I’m missing here? 

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Are you letting the receiver search for the best wireless channel by having it set to Auto in the Global Settings menu? If you have it set to Auto and plug the transmitter into the Guitar In, that will search for the best channel. Ideally, you’d want to do this when every other piece of wireless gear is up and running.


As far as the expression pedal, go to Global Settings>Switches/Pedals>EXP 1 (or 2) Position and make sure it’s set to Global if you want to have the settings always reflect the physical position of the pedal.

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I do have the wireless channel selector set to Auto. I give it a good 15-20 sec to sync every time even if I’ve been there before. I do think that most of the wireless devices were running when I did that, but I think next time I’ll pay more attention to that and make sure I sync after everyone else is set up. 


That was an easy fix for the expression pedal. Didn’t realize that was in the global settings. Thanks!

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Hello! I noticed the same issue last night at my first band rehearsal with this unit. Would drop out occasionally (randomly - maybe 4 or so times during a 3 hour rehearsal). The drop out would only happen for a quick half a second or so - very noticeable.


however - I DID NOT plug the wireless into the Guitar IN jack - for some reason I though it only needed to be in the cradle. Will do next time and see if I have any probs.

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I've had this problem, but if you plug the dongle in to the Guitar In socket, for a good minute or so after everybody is in the rehearsal room and or gig venue (difficult with a transient crowd I guess) but this has solved it for me. TBH I've never had an issue live only rehearsing, maybe the proximity of the other band members and their phones etc. is the issue as some of them use them as mobile hot spots during rehearsal. I've played a couple of gigs where the PA is controlled using WiFi and again, once I've done a sound check, (if we do one :)) then I just leave it plugged in to the POD GO for a minute or longer and it's fine.

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  • 1 year later...

Refreshing this topic...


I've been having these ridiculous drop out issues with my G10TII (POD GO Wireless) at ridiculously short distances (7'/2m) lately. I've already downloaded the 2.0 version for the PGW, but if anything, the condition has worsened a little bit. I charge the unit to full and then put it back on its socket before I head to a gig. Then I set up my gear and do the charging/recognizing process again (white circle, then blue volt on display), before I start playing. Issue's still there. What's next?


Getting really desperate/frustrated here. :(


Mon C.

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