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HX Stomp direct to PA (live)


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Looking for some advice please, I'm very new to all this (ampless) so looking to learn and confirm what I have read is correct.
I have a HX Stomp, and would like to use it for live gigs without having to use a guitar amp, so plugging it direct into the PA. From what I have read, the best way to do this is via a Line Isolator (or DI, but better a LI). I have been looking at the Walrus Audio Canvas Mono as it would fit on my board nicely and I have no need for stereo.
Am I correct in saying I can plug the L/Mono output of the HX Stomp into the Input of the Canvas using a regular guitar cable, then plugging an XLR from the out on the Canvas straight into the PA mixing desk?
And if, for example, a venue didn't have any monitors (happens to us sometimes), I could bring my own and plug into it from the Canvas' thru jack so I can hear myself on stage? What type of monitor should I be getting for this? Is there any specific type?
Thanks in advance for any help
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You do not need a DI for the HXS. The main outputs are balanced, so at most you might need a pair of 1/4" TRS to Female XLR cables. Cable is better than an adapter (IMO) as it will place less strain on the HXS output jacks and you'll need XLR cables anyway to get to the stage box and monitor.

Since you're running in MONO you can just take the LEFT Out to FOH and the RIGHT out to a powered Stage Monitor.

Your choice in powered stage monitors is pretty much dependent on your budget, from $2-300 Alto/Behringer to $7-1000 Yamaha/EV/JBL/QSC. The more expensive varieties have built-in DSP for tone-shaping and use-case - floor, pole, vocal, music, instrument etc. 


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On 7/22/2022 at 10:36 AM, danowen46 said:

plugging it direct into the PA

On 7/22/2022 at 5:14 PM, rd2rk said:

1/4" TRS to Female XLR cables


1/4" TRS to male XLR.


Using such a self-soldered adapter patch cable since almost two years, both for bass and guitar, works fine.

Just make sure that the Stomp's Main Out is set to Instrument in Global Settings.


From the adapter you can then use any regular XLR cable either direct into the mixing consol or into a multi-core box on stage.


On 7/22/2022 at 10:36 AM, danowen46 said:

if, for example, a venue didn't have any monitors (happens to us sometimes), I could bring my own


  • For bass, I'm usually bringing a small SWR Workingman 12 combo as a monitor, but usually going only thtough its power amp via its FX return jack. For larger stages – especially when transport to the venue isn't an issue – I'd use a larger 400W H&K Quantum bass combo.
  • For guitar, usually I'm bringing one of my old small Yamaha active boxes – which we'd also use as a rehearsal or small gig PA – that sounds pretty flat.


Then, in my presets I have a Path B at the end of the chain using a parametric EQ block which I route into the Stomp's Send output. This goes into my monitor. Like that, I have independent EQ control over the monitor sound. The position of the path B split block is flexible, so depending on the monitor sound I need, it can be moved e.g. pre or post Cab block of the respective preset.


Of course, things can get more complicated if you want to use more complex effect paths on the Stomp, or if you actually switch presets between or even within songs. Personally though, after two years with the Stomp I've figured that less is more, and so for me it's just one preset and only very few effects per gig. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 3:36 AM, danowen46 said:

From what I have read, the best way to do this is via a Line Isolator (or DI, but better a LI). I have been loo


A DI naturally isolates the unit from the FOH... you don't need something that claims to be a Line Isolator, any quality passive DI is already doing that. 


If you simply use a TRS > XLR cable as mentioned in the above posts, you will not be isolated but it is designed to work that way. If you go the TRS > XLR route be aware of Phantom Power at the console. The Helix XLR's do not like phantom power, and I believe the STOMP behaves the same when you use the TRS connectors. Phantom does not hurt the unit, but it "can" hurt the tone. 


FWIW... I like to keep my Helix isolated from the FOH for worry free connections... I use a Passive Radial JDI that is permanently mounted with my Helix.

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