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Wah acting funky with new Helix


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I used to have the wah set where it came on after a 12%min and 88% max with exp pedal 2.  (I followed a YouTube video on how to set this up).   I had a new helix sent to me because of a USB issue and now the Wah seems to act funny even though the presets are the same.


For example when I move from one preset with no wah to one with the wah, the wah says it is engaged at 71% even though the foot pedal is fully down at the heel 0% and you can hear the nasal sounding wah sound.  The preset starts on and then to turn the wah off I have to rock it and then put the heel back down.  Clearly I'm missing something here.  I do not recall having to do this with the old helix. Something must have changed that the presets are not overriding.  

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Seems a calibration issue. Helix should autocalibrate the pedals at the boot, but try unplugging the pedal, set it to 0% (heel position), then plug it again and do couple of heel/toe sweeps.

Also, check within a fresh preset if everything is working as it should. Like add a generic volume block, and see if the EXP pedal is doing its job 0/100%. If it's working as expected, then maybe it's time to redo the wah min/max assingment, as it might be the old Helix was on a wrong calibration.

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I tried the above and it didn't have any change.


Then I looked at the screen on the floor unit and noticed the "position" knob at 70% or so.   So I dialed it down to zero and hit save.  now it holds at 12% which is my minimum to engage the wah.  now it rocks and engages appropriately.  Perhaps it was something with the setting of THAT KNOB (bottom left side of the screen) on the new helix.  I've tested it over and over and now when I click on that preset the wah is off even if the expression pedal is all the way down.  That's what I need!  So the wah now only works when rocked.  Whew.  


FUnky!  clever... haha. 

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Once you move the wah back and forth, does the percentage work as expected? 


Just want to make sure you are not describing how your wah position was saved on a specific preset.  If you enter that preset, even regardless of where your expression pedal is right now, it will show "25%" because that's how you saved your preset? 


If it's that, then there are different ways for your expression 1/2 to behave -- have it be per snapshot, preset or global, meaning that as you change your preset, the wah stays the same as where you physical pedal is now. 

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I guess that could be it.  But at least it is functional now.   For example if it is 100% down and I enter into that preset the preset starts with WAH OFF.  which is what I need.  I want it to function when I ROCK it.  


for some reason it was always showing 70 some % and ON.  But when I rolled the dial down to zero manually and saved it it now starts OFF no matter where the pedal is positioned.  

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