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Midi to control Bank up/down


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Hey everybody, I just got myself a Catalyst 100 and currently learning my way around midi - which leads me to my question, is it possible to change banks via Midi? 

I got a cheap midi controller wiith 4 buttons. What I want to happen is to have button1 to switch between presets A and B. Then have Button 2 and 3 go up and down banks. Button 4 for boost on/off.


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There is no BANK UP/DOWN function. Each of the 12 presets has an assigned PC (Program Change) number.


PC#1 = Bank 1 Channel A

PC#2 = Bank 1 Channel B


PC#11 = Bank 6 Channel A

PC#12 = Bank 6 Channel B


All MIDI controllers are not the same. Which "cheap" MIDI controller did you buy?

If your MIDI controller is capable of multiple actions - Press/Press Hold Short/Press Hold Long - then you MIGHT be able to figure something out, but odds are you bought the wrong controller for your needs.





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It depends on your midi controller. I've programmed my FBV3 for 2 buttons to increment/decrement banks. You have to have a midi controller with assignable increment/decrement functions. You didn't say what controller you have, but I would check out your controllers midi mapping chart to see what functions are available.

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On 2/10/2023 at 9:04 AM, gtrman100 said:

It depends on your midi controller. I've programmed my FBV3 for 2 buttons to increment/decrement banks. You have to have a midi controller with assignable increment/decrement functions. You didn't say what controller you have, but I would check out your controllers midi mapping chart to see what functions are available.


Since the Cat doesn't actually have BANKs per the MIDI spec, I'm interested in how this works in terms of the actual MIDI sent.


I ASSume that increment/decrement would apply some logic such as "current +/- X", X being the number of units to increment/decrement.

A normal MIDI BANK Change includes the BANK # and Program # within the BANK.

Using simple Program #s (since there's no BANK #s), if you're in BANK 1 Channel A (PC#1) and send CURRENT + 2 you're now in BANK 2 Channel A (PC#3).


IOW - to increment/decrement the controller needs to first know what the current PC# is, then you have to send CURRENT PC# +/- 2, and you always end up in the same Channel unless there's some additional logic such as "If PC# = ODD THEN ?, ELSE ??"?


Unless there's something I'm missing about how the inc/dec function works in the FBV3? I'm only on my first cup of coffee... :-)


How exactly (in terms of MIDI sent and end result) does that work?

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With my FBV3, I can assign 6 FS to load the 6 banks of presets(I use the 6 amp models, but of course you can any). Then I assign 1 FS (that happens to be labeled Bank Up) to increment using the program change increment command of the FBV, and another FS (that happens to be labeled Bank Down) to decrement using the program change decrement command.

So if I use a FS to select Bank3, it will load Preset 3A, and if I press the Bank Up FS, it will load Preset 3B, but if I load Preset 3A and press the Bank Down FS, it will load Preset 2B. So you can scroll through the banks that way.

It's not the most intuitive way to work, but it's workable. I already had the FBV3, and programming it was a pain, but now I'm used to it.

I'm not certain which midi controller the poster has, but if it has the increment/decrement program change parameter it should work.

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Pretty close to what I do, but I'm using a Helix. I set 6 Snapshots to load the Banks 1-6 Channel A which is always a "Rhythm" preset, then use the A/B switch for Leads on Channel B. So, I'm essentially using the Cat as six "traditional" two channel amps. I have two similar presets, one setup for Helix without the LFS2, the other uses both, which allows for more Helix switches to be assigned to FX. I also have a set of six Presets wherein I use the Snapshots to swap out different Catalyst FX than the ones the Cat's presets are configured with. For instance, the preset might have a Delay, but since I never use a Delay and a Mod together, I can hit a switch and temporarily swap in a Phaser or Flanger instead.


The Cat truly is an amazingly well thought out device! If L6 were to enable MIDI control of the FX parameters we'd have nearly Helix level Snapshot control without needing a Helix, just MIDI!


If I wanted to use the FCB1010/UNO2 (like for a place where I didn't want to risk the Helix) I could program it to do the INC/DEC thing but thankfully that hasn't been an issue for some time.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/19/2023 at 11:58 AM, rgilman said:

Is Line 6 planning to release a midi pedal for the Catalyst to change patches and to control other parameters? It would be convenient if they had a specific midi pedal for the catalyst.


I highly doubt it. There are MANY MIDI controllers on the market that MORE than get the job done.


The major attraction of MIDI is adaptability/programmability.

To create a MIDI pedal for a specific purpose would be as expensive as any other multi-purpose MIDI pedal, as the costs are in the HW/production/distribution.

There's virtually zero development cost in the functionality, it's simply converting a Swiss Army Knife into a nail clipper - in SW.

What's worse is that if your Catalyst died, the purpose designed MIDI FS would be useless.

Kind of like those hugely expensive Peavey Vyper pedalboards that are nothing more than fancy doorstops without the Vyper amp!


If you're thinking that MIDI is complicated, I assure you that if you're capable of operating a home entertainment system remote you are MORE than capable of learning and programming the minimal MIDI required to control your Catalyst. Every major player in the MIDI pedal industry provides a computer based visual GUI/programming tool.

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I've used plenty of midi devices keyboards midi workstations and such it would be nice if there were a fbv type. I used my fbv 2 into and old pod 2.0 withe the 5 pin midi out of the pod to the amp I was able to change patches, turn some effects on and of and use the volume pedal. I have a Firehawk is it possible to use that for any patch changes? Would a USB a female to USB a female adapter be able to connect 2 USB cables and send info from the Firehawk to the USB in on the amp?

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On 3/19/2023 at 1:21 PM, rgilman said:

I've used plenty of midi devices keyboards midi workstations and such it would be nice if there were a fbv type. I used my fbv 2 into and old pod 2.0 withe the 5 pin midi out of the pod to the amp I was able to change patches, turn some effects on and of and use the volume pedal. I have a Firehawk is it possible to use that for any patch changes? Would a USB a female to USB a female adapter be able to connect 2 USB cables and send info from the Firehawk to the USB in on the amp?


You're asking a question that, since no one from L6 hangs out here, only someone with the identical devices can answer. 

Most users would just either pick up a used FBV3 (as @gtrrman100 above) or a proper general purpose MIDI pedal and be done with it.



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  • 1 year later...

I had a quick look at the M13 manual.

It is not very helpful in this context, so I'm making some guesses here.


It appears that M13 "presets" are called "Scenes", and there are 48 of them.

There appears to be no way to assign specific MIDI messages to a Scene.

The manual says that the M13 can SEND MIDI, so I assume that means each Scene sends a pre-determined PC#.

That would be either 0-47 or 1-48.

You can check that using a MIDI Monitor such as:


MIDIView - Free MIDI Monitor tool for Win & Mac (


Catalyst does not have a Bank Up/Down command.

You call a Bank/Channel using individual PC#s:



PC#1 = Bank 1 Channel A

PC#2 = Bank 1 Channel B

PC#3 = Bank 2 Channel A

PC#4 = Bank 2 Channel B



Assuming that the Scenes send corresponding PC#s:

Scene 1 = MANUAL

Scene 2 = Bank 1 Channel A

Scene 3 = Bank 1 Channel B

Scene 4 = Bank 2 Channel A

Scene 5 = Bank 2 Channel B



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On 2/9/2023 at 10:21 AM, ramosv said:

Hey everybody, I just got myself a Catalyst 100 and currently learning my way around midi - which leads me to my question, is it possible to change banks via Midi? 

I got a cheap midi controller wiith 4 buttons. What I want to happen is to have button1 to switch between presets A and B. Then have Button 2 and 3 go up and down banks. Button 4 for boost on/off.


I use a Morning star MC3 midi cotroller that is capable of doing exactly this. But due to the latancy of the Catalyst I don't use that function during song. The nice thing about programming the Morningstar controllers is that they use a Web based programming tool that incorporates a whole variaty of brands/models including the HX stomp. Maybe one time they incorporate the Catalyst but it is not that difficult, with my 73 years it was a paece of cake ;-)

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