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Helix internal (factory supplied) IRs?


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The Helix 3.60 update release notes (attached for reference) state:  "IMPORTANT! The 3.60 update process may take 30 MINUTES OR MORE TO COMPLETE. This is totally normal, as it includes thousands of additional IR files."  I'm confused by the part of that statement referencing "thousands of additional IR files".  After installing v.3.60, and using HX Edit to view what IRs are loaded, there are no IRs loaded after the installation of v.3.60 (and only 128, and not "thousands", could be installed at one time).  And I'm not aware of any folder created by the v.3.60 upgrade installation that contains IR files, from which I can choose which ones to load.  Does anyone know if the reference to "thousands of additional IR files"  was incorrect?  If not, exactly what did Line 6 mean by that?  Am I missing something - are there factory-supplied IR files somewhere?  And if so, where?  Thanks.

Helix Firmware 3.60-instructions.pdf

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The new cabs are in fact collections of IRs. Separate IRs for each cab, speaker, mic, distance, angle etc.

Rather than switching the IRs by selecting them individually from a list, you just drag the mics around in 3d and the IRs change as needed.

That takes a whole lotta IRs!


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