Yes and no. So far, Sequoia seems to cause pretty much no issues for pretty much all plugins.
Don't wanna be their guinea pig, though.
Because of that, so far my way of dealing with things was to create a bootable image, update and check whether things were fine. In case they were, great, in case they weren't, I'd simply return to my image.
But I just learned the hard way that this isn't working anymore on any M-Macs. They can't reliably be booted from an image, no matter how you created it. And to add to this, you can't easily go back to previous versions via Time Machine or whatsoever, either, as long as there's been a major OS update inbetween.
IOW, Apple has managed to completely destroy one of the features that I always found to be most amazing. Apple and their fanboys are all like "It's because of additional security" - but nobody has provided a single example so far. Sucks, really.