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HX One - Midi Issues


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I had the new HX One delivered today but unfortunately it has issues with midi. 


I can't get midi thru to work properly at all, the only way I can get it to pass midi messages through is in Omni mode but that's obviously not useable as then the HX One is receiving all the midi messages for all of my devices.


I've tried various cables, ensured midi thru is definitely switched on and updated to the latest firmware.


I know this is a brand new product but if anyone else received one yet I'd been interested to hear if midi thru is working for you.



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The manual describes the Settings View for the HX One. Page 8 of the Settings View allows you to specify the MIDI channel,1-16 or Omni (manual page 29). It says this:


Select the MIDI Channel on which HX One receives MIDI messages. Note that MIDI OUT/THRU is
always sent on Channel 1.


This note on pg30 may also be relevant:


HX One does not transmit MIDI for any of its own actions, but will pass
incoming MIDI control and MIDI Clock out via its MIDI OUT/THRU and USB
MIDI ports.

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Thanks, yes I've tried changing midi channels including leaving it on channel 1 but midi thru only works if it's set to Omni so definitely not working as it should.


I'm not sure if it's a hardware issue or something that needs to be fixed in a firmware update but Yamaha are shipping a replacement out tomorrow.

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Yes, hopefully. Although it sounds to me like it’s baked into the firmware, and it doesn’t match the documentation. My guess is the replacement will behave the same. Hope I’m wrong!


If it does behave the same I suggest you open a support ticket pointing out that either the firmware isn’t behaving as it should or the document is wrong. I know what the easier fix is!

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I submitted a ticket on this. I found that my HX Stomp wasn’t receiving msgs from my Pirate Midi Bridge6 when going through the HX One unless i put the HX One on Ch1. But thats not what i wanted since my Stomp was on Ch1. Per the manual, the HX One only passes msgs Thru on Ch1, which is bad enough, but it shouldn’t require putting the HX One on Ch1 - that actually means Thru is useless. 

I ended up rewiring so the the Bridge6 is connected to my Stomp which in turn is connected to my HX One. Now, the HX One doesn’t need to have Thru turned on, the Stomp does, and all is working.


You should submit a ticket as well. Hopefully with enough reports, they will fix this.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Spent a lot of time setting up a new pedalboard only to find out I had midi issues- would have never thought the brand new HX One was the problem...

My original plan was to add another H9 to the mix but when I saw the HX One, Thought I'd give it a try... Humm

Needed to have this done by the New year... Guess not. Not an easy fix to move the pedal to the end of my midi chain...



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Bumping up this thread. I can't believe Line 6 is not fixing a bug like this one!!!! I bought the ONE only because I could use it in my pedalboard and it's controllable via switcher and the thru is not working!!!!! Only way to make it work is setting the same channel as the pedal attached to the thru, but then the ONE won't change patch... so frustrating. Now i had to buy another midi patch bay to solve an issue that shouldn't be there. Maybe I should have get an eventide.... 

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On 1/11/2024 at 10:07 PM, scutoscuto said:

Bumping up this thread. I can't believe Line 6 is not fixing a bug like this one!!!!



Interesting first post.


Do you have any evidence to back your claim that “Line 6 is not fixing a bug like this one”.


If you check the thread you will find in it a couple of posts from people who encountered this issue, raised a ticket with Customer Support, and mentioned this.


“Line 6 have said they’re working on a fix but no idea how long that will take.


As you state that you “can’t believe” that it is not being looked into, maybe you could enlighten everyone concerned, exactly how long the MIDI Thru “bug squashing” should take. If you have any ideas as to what is needed to fix this, then possibly you could tell the Line 6 tech team how to solve this. Don’t let your programming genius go unnoticed!


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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This was a main feature of the pedal at launch so it's perfectly acceptable for an end user to expect a prompt fix.


My initial ticket was acknowledged, but any requests for updates have been treated with abrupt indifference. 


I understand that implementing a fix isn't necessarily straight forward, but keeping customers up to date and politely reassured would make for a much better customer experience.

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The MIDI Thru problem was acknowledged by Digital Igloo himself, and he stated that it would be fixed in the next release. Having other Line6 products, I trust that this is true, but I also know that releases don't come out every day. They accumulate the fixes and additions that they have prioritized for inclusion in a particular release, develop them, test them internally, open testing to some "Beta" folks who can help find any final issues, and then they release. My recommendation is that you don't get so frustrated that you give up and sell, because inevitably, the fix will come the day after you hand the package over to the PO to ship to its new owner. :-)

With the MIDI Thru problem, I was able to work around it by making the HX One last in the chain. I do realize that other issues may not have as simple of a workaround. But hopefully the pedal is bringing you some benefits even prior to receiving the fixes you are waiting for.


BTW, I had a Hotone Ampero II Stomp for a while, and after 2 release cycles that disappointed me in a major way, I sold it. Now a 3rd release came out (and they are very slow at releasing firmware updates), and it also had nothing I was hoping for (features or fixes), so I feel like I made the right choice. But in this case, there have been no releases yet since introduction, so give them a little time to either make you (us) happy or disappoint. 


Just my two cents. 

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Thanks everyone for the useful answers! One of my pedals has only midi in so having the ONE as last it's not an option. I got for the moment a midi patch bay, I did buy an H9 and then I'll wait a little bit to see if they release the fix. Maybe I'll keep both! This is the first time with Line 6 I have ANY issue, and I'm old enough to have owned the first POD lol, and now I have 4 of their Helix products. 


In regards to datacommando's answer: This is a forum, I'm looking for answers and I can share frustration about a Line 6 product, that's not against the rules. In the past I opened tickets but as another user mentioned, they politely ignore what they can't fix or not ready to fix. As an end user my opinion is that a company like Line 6/Yamaha putting out a product that's clearly marketed for traditional pedalboards with issues in a  very important function like midi thru chain (today most use a midi switcher and midi pedals for the convenience of program changes in patches) it's not a small bug, like some other reverb decay settings or similar, it's a crippling one. And I do not think I'm the only one with this issue. So, maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't get your sarcastic answer, that's not helping anyone. Also, chastising me (a regular user) really seems out of place and straight out rude, especially when you point out it's my first comment. But then again, maybe I misunderstand the tone in the written message? :) 

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On 1/12/2024 at 1:52 PM, jonathanelmore said:

I understand that implementing a fix isn't necessarily straight forward, but keeping customers up to date and politely reassured would make for a much better customer experience.

True, very true - bug fixes are not necessarily straightforward. It’s all a bit of an unknown, and as your comment mentioned on Dec 2nd 2023- Line 6 have said they’re working on a fix but no idea how long that will take.”


Now, to most peoples way of thinking that statement indicates more than just a bit of an unknown. It takes however long it takes. On the same day (Dec 2nd 2023) in reply to a question about the MIDI Thru issue, Digital_Igloo (Eric Klein - Chief Product Design Architect at Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. / Line 6 / Ampeg) - made a post over on TGP which says:- 


“Yep, that one slipped through, sadly. Currently MIDI Thru only works on the local channel or Omni, which of course means it’s worthless for how people use MIDI Thru. Will be fixed in 3.71.”

Now it’s a little more precise - “Will be fixed in 3.71.”. The only drawback to statements from Eric is that on every occasion he has ever been asked about when the next Firmware will drop, his response has always been the rather enigmatic word - “soon”.


On 1/12/2024 at 7:25 PM, scutoscuto said:

In regards to datacommando's answer: This is a forum, I'm looking for answers and I can share frustration about a Line 6 product, that's not against the rules. In the past I opened tickets but as another user mentioned, they politely ignore what they can't fix or not ready to fix. As an end user my opinion is that a company like Line 6/Yamaha putting out a product that's clearly marketed for traditional pedalboards with issues in a  very important function like midi thru chain (today most use a midi switcher and midi pedals for the convenience of program changes in patches) it's not a small bug, like some other reverb decay settings or similar, it's a crippling one. And I do not think I'm the only one with this issue. So, maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't get your sarcastic answer, that's not helping anyone. Also, chastising me (a regular user) really seems out of place and straight out rude, especially when you point out it's my first comment. But then again, maybe I misunderstand the tone in the written message? :) 


Yep, it’s a forum, and it’s not against the rules to seek answers, but even though you are frustrated with the situation, you should realise that this is a HX user forum. 

There are no Line staff here and only very occasionally do they visit these forums - See the “sticky comment” in the black banner stripe at the top of this page entitled “Welcome to the Line 6 forums”.

No - you are not the only person that has this issue. This was posted over on TGP on Jan 5th 2024 from a reply to a guy who had raise a support ticket:

The midi-thru issue has yet to be resolved. As of 2 days ago and as to the update status... "TBD at the moment, our team is really busy especially considering the holidays. It looks like its in line to be approved for the upcoming update. I can't provide any prediction on release date for now."

As for my “sarcasm”. Really? That’s your opinion, when I have taken the trouble to look elsewhere to find the current status (AFAIK) of this situation. Yet you choose to tell me that I’m being rude for pointing out your psychic ability that lets you know that you “can't believe Line 6 is not fixing a bug like this one!!!!” My guess is - yes, they are, because there are about another 4 possible  bugs being worked on. Plus, bear in mind, that any Firmware modifications need to be applied and tested across the whole range of Helix products, not just the HX One.


Hope this helps/makes sense

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my HX One MIDI thru doesn't work too, even after 3.71 update. According to tech support it should work. It doesn't work at all (no signal).


Anybody else with this problem?

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