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Reamping with the Pod Go in Ableton?


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So my goal here is to record a passage of a song with my "base" Pod Go preset, and then reamp it with the Pod Go to really dial in and fine-tune my tone (all this in Ableton). Also worth mentioning that I JUST got my Pod Go, and planning to use it almost exclusively in live gig scenarios. So I'm fine-tuning my tones for live use.

So I followed the instructions in the manual to reamp using my Pod Go.




1. From Edit view, turn the Upper Knob to select the Input block and then turn the Lower Knob to choose “USB 3/4.” > Did this via Pod Go Edit instead

2. In your DAW software, set the DI track’s output setting to POD Go USB 3/4. > Done, Ext Out 3/4

3. Create a new stereo track in your DAW project and set both its input and output to USB 1/2. Arm the track for recording. NOTE: In some DAW software it may be necessary to also activate the software monitoring feature on this “re-amped” track to monitor the processed signal when playing back your project. See your software’s documentation. > Done, Ext In 1/2, Ext Out 1/2. Armed.

4. Now play your DAW project and you’ll hear the DI track “reamped” through POD Go. Tweak your amp & effects blocks as desired while listening with the playback of your project mix.

5. Once you have your re-amplified guitar tone they way you like it, solo both the DI and re-amped tracks, rewind to the start of the project and hit the DAW Record button, allowing it to capture the signal into the new re-amped track in real-time.



Problem starts at step 4. When I arm my new stereo track and hit play, its playing BOTH the DI track that's now amped, AND the reamped track, so it sounds out of whack (when Monitoring on both the DI and reamped track is set to Auto). I also tried just turning off monitoring on the DI track, while leaving monitoring on the reamped track, same thing.

So, fine, I turned off the monitoring on my reamped track, and now I just hear the amped DI track during playback. I try to dial in my tone to taste via Pod Go Edit.

Then step 5, I decide to record the reamped track. After recording, and solo-ing just the reamped track, I find it sounds so different from what I just dialed in, comparing it with the reamped DI track.

This is driving me insane. Is it because the recorded track is in stereo? The recorded track sounds bassier and more distorted. HELP

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On 12/18/2023 at 9:17 PM, nabzblitz said:

So my goal here is to record a passage of a song with my "base" Pod Go preset, and then reamp it with the Pod Go to really dial in and fine-tune my tone (all this in Ableton). ….

It seems to me that your ‘base’ POD Go preset includes POD Go amp, cab/IR, and FX blocks. Then you want to reamp that recorded track to fine tune it. That’s a bit different from the ‘normal’ reamping procedure. Normally one records the dry (DI, no processing) track first and then reamps it to apply full processing.


You quote from the manual, and that quote is a follow on from the previous section that describes how to record a Dry DI track.  Note that the dry rack uses the mono USB channel 3 as its record input; not the processed stereo channel 1/2.


If the track you are reamping is a partially processed track as described in my first paragraph, then you need to consider that your pod Go ‘base’ preset processing is already baked into that track. When you reamp you need to account for that fact and use a preset that applies only the additional processing you want. For instance, if you used an amp and Cab/IR in the original recording you need to remove those blocks from your reamping preset. You can’t just start tweaking, say, the Drive parameter on the amp when reamping. If the amp remains in the preset you are effectively double-amping your original guitar signal; once with the Drive setting in your ‘DI’ recording (it’s not DI) and again in the reamping with a different Drive setting.


Long story short, make sure your original recording is in fact a DI recording as described in the manual.



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